Could it be that I just have horrible taste? No, it's the market that's wrong!
Could it be that I just have horrible taste? No, it's the market that's wrong!
Could it be that I just have horrible taste? No, it's the market that's wrong!
When u order prince’s kitchen on
What kind of psychopath puts marble floors in their kitchen? I feel like they could almost pull off the grape skittle colored cabinets if they just had laminate flooring and maybe a wooden countertop lol
The purple cabinets could have worked if they were mid-century-modern steel cabinets or something instead of basic-bitch builder-grade wooden ones.
A quick-and-dirty Gimp hue shift of a random kitchen pic I found online to illustrate:
Omg it's like my first house from the sims
This one isn't bad, in an art deco kind of way. At least they fully committed to the aesthetic instead of having greige walls with neon cabinets.
I hate the swastika floor billard room.
Oh, you weren't joking...
If you say so. Doens't look at all like a swastika to me. Not even if I try.
Here's fixed perspective of it:
EDIT: Oh! I see it! To me the background is dark and the white lines are the objects in the foreground. I had to really look to find it. I guess some people see Nazis everywhere. I just see pretty lines. Besides, there are instances that spiral in both directions, so it's fine. I highly doubt it's deliberate, and you're ignoring that the lines keep going to make larger spirals. If you think it's secret Nazi signaling, I think you're nuts.
At least the kitchen looks like a kitchen and not like you murdered a Troll Doll in it.
That’s fuckin wild, but still not as bad as prince’s kitchen.
That bathroom... Ugh... You could never get me to live in this prison, I'd find dinner West tomorrow escape.
it aint a flip, it's a flop.
I hope this drives down the cost of the house so that poorer people can own houses and the market starts crashing
Why do you want poor folks to have to inhabit this lol... They have enough going on
The Third Street Saints the moment they get a new property
A recirculating hood over a gas range. What a fucking genius.
I've unfortunately had to live this life in a couple of apartments 😑
It's for when I burn the pancakes
I've had these in my last two rentals. People just don't care.
Seems more like there‘s some absurd color flipping going on here with how purple that marble looks.
Reminds me of when I looked at an apartment (not even a house to buy--a rental apartment) and they had painted the kitchen all in red. I knew I just couldn't live like that.
Unique tastes require unique customers.
Basic works.
The worst part is I don't even hate that marble, but this kitchen is so ugly.
am I the only one here who actually likes this aren't y'all overreacting
The problem with niche tastes is that they're niche
They're minerals Marie!
All that marble yet they left the tile backsplash?!