Are there any good Peertube channels?
Are there any good Peertube channels?
Are there any good Peertube channels?
Are there any good Peertube channels?
Are there any good Peertube channels?
There are! FediTips usually shares some channels on Mastodon that they consider interesting. It's worth looking their posts through:
I haven't used it much, but I saw that Oh The Urbanity is on there, if you're interested in that kind of thing. They do urbanism videos, often focused on Canadian cities, in the vein of Not Just Bikes and City Beautiful.
Another Canadian, RmTransit is also there,
Veronica Explains:
Transport Evolved:
@Shkshkshk yes, but there isn't a good way to find them yet. And even when you find them, they are all on different instances that don't federate and so you can't subscribe to them from one place.
Why do so many peertube instances not federate?
Maybe file storage reasons? Doesn't it basically copy the data to all the other instances?
Https:// is pretty popping
@Rob @Shkshkshk
Most of these channels display as having 0 videos for me.
But then I went to the original host (e.g. and then it worked.
well techlore is on peertube with