Games rule
Games rule
Games rule
Building a miles-long cobblestone road through mountains and over frozen rivers to a farming village from my house on a snowy plain then entering peoples homes while they sleep and cleaning them out of any food and valuables. Also crop theft.
And maybe pushing that wild pig into my fenced in pasture from the mountainside because I didn't have any carrots to lure him in willingly.
Osha violations (Portal 2)
Assault, battery, torture, stalking, breaking & entering, trespassing, destruction of property, illegal search & seizure, tampering with evidence, aiding & abetting, reckless driving, speeding, operation of an unlicensed vehicle, unlawful interception, child endangerment, unlawful imprisonment, conspiracy, and, of course, vigilantism
But absolutely zero murder
Killing thousands of mortally challenged, including a few with a chainsaw.
I’m probably not who you were hoping to reach with this meme lol
Spreading democracy
Building a house...seems fitting.
Not paying for the resources that I collected to survive while crash landed on an alien planet.
Building without a permit
Arson, murder, murder, murder, vigilantism, murder, arson, environmental damage, arson, murder, possible war crimes (Fallout 76 doesn't really have laws I suppose), murder...
Dispensing Freedom.
i built a fortress for dwarves to brew and prosper inside
Abandoning my post in defense of Super Earth. I am sorry, Democracy.
Having eleven kings in one poker hand.
Loving Managed Democracy too hard
Stealing villager's beds.
Unauthorized orbital rocket launches.
Possession of psychite with intention to distribute
and like, at least 3 or 4 warcrimes, but whose counting