Google is blocking RCS on rooted Android devices
Google is blocking RCS on rooted Android devices

Google is blocking RCS on rooted Android devices

Google is blocking RCS on rooted Android devices
Google is blocking RCS on rooted Android devices
Surprise, surprise. Every update is a nag with "jump in", "this is cool", "you're missing out"... And then it's "play by my rules or GTFO".
There are rumors that you can get around this with magisk and the play protect fix.
I'd be curious to know if that has been verified or if it works after you've already been blocked
I ended up installing Magisk, Zygisk, and Play Integrity Fix and can confirm that RCS is working again after it was previously broken on Lineage 21
Fuck off Google. This makes me think that RCS is a steaming pile that is easily susceptible to hijinx unless Google blocks power users from their hardware.
It boils down to the same thing it always does, greed. They want control of the protocol, and they want all of the messages flowing through their app, and their servers, so they can track who you're talking to, and possibly extract advertising and profiling keywords from your messages. Idk if they're actually doing that last thing, but it wouldn't surprise me. They scan literally everything else.
How very Google of them.
Don't you mean not evil?