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Have you got a 'forever game'?

As their name suggests, forever (or evergreen) games are games that don’t have a finale or culmination, as in “The End”. These games have a very high replayability factor (meaning we enjoy playing them over and over again).

Forever games are also timeless. We can pick up these games anytime , be it the day they were released, or a few years later, and play them for months or years. We can even stop playing for a while, pick them up again years later, and they’d still be fun and relevant.

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  • Civilization V is it for me I think. Very cozy, very comfortable. Not playing on the highest difficulty, just playing fun civs with half the brain turned off. Like solitaire.

    I also have a save file of Football Manager 2017 that I still come back to now and then. That save got me through some rough times back in 2017 and I played it super intensely then. Formed some strong emotional attachment to some of those pixels.

    These days I don't really play it but I have a hard time letting it go. Sometimes I fire it up and just browse through the menus a bit and then quit. Like checking in with some old friends. It's really a testament to how unhealthily obsessed I was for a while there, I guess.

    • If you'd have asked me this question when I was a teenager I'd have absolutely said the FM series as a whole. From 12-18 it was basically the only game (series)I played. On my school holidays me and my brothers would spend 8-9 hours a day just.... playing our individual games. We'd walk into each others rooms with questions about transfers or formations, or if we had a vital game we'd all crowd around the others screen to experience what was going on. Absolutely amazing memories that'll both never be forgotten, but also never reproduced.

  • Survival mode of the Long Dark, I start a new sanbox every winter with no exceptions. Mods make it even better imo.

  • I've played CounterStrike on and off since the first demo. Played a hacked LAN version of 1.6 back in the day. Still play CS2 a few times/week.

  • Rain World! It has "endings" but the fact that it's sort of got a strange nature simulator / documentary vibe can kind of make it like a very difficult terrarium (that you're also living in) at times. The endings are also very much not required and can be totally ignored lmao.

    I love exploring and befriending critters and just the movement system is like nothing else. Creatures living their lives totally independent from me is such a cool aspect I haven't seen done anywhere else quite on the same level. Just the emotions system of the scavs alone is so interesting to learn about! I love how it looks! I love how it taught me that failure doesn't matter and enjoying the journey can be beautiful. I love how you are at your most powerful when you are "most weak" (losing all of your, we'll call it "health" means death is completely consequence-free, and you can just experiment and scout freely and it's so fun to me.) You sort of make your own stories as you go along and I think it's neat.

    Also I love bugs and insects. It's got a lot of 'em.

  • I actually tend to avoid these, I really like it when games have an ending or a final goal to work towards. I do still play River Raid on Atari and go for a higher score each time.