Brb gotta fill this niche
Brb gotta fill this niche
Brb gotta fill this niche
Says "brb!" on chat, then proceeds to ghost the land, never to call home again:-P
Shows up randomly drunk and lost one day, needs help of 10 people to get dragged back home
Or like a forklift (or tank!). Dang boy, what have they been feeding you out there!? :-P
Lost a good 45 min reading up on those guys on Wikipedia. Seems indohyus coulda just stayed out of the water all those years ago and I'd have gotten some sleep instead of this mess
Speaking of hooves, it's funny to think how a whale is more related to a cow than a cow is a to a horse.
Never get tired of this video
So you mean to tell me that mfer evolved out of the water to be a land man and then went back to water and became whale just for gains?
The Greatest Show On Earth
Wherever next?