Darkmode 5e wiki page?
Darkmode 5e wiki page?
I'm tired of my eyes burning from checking wikidot at night. What online resources do you use while gaming that have darker backgrounds?
Darkmode 5e wiki page?
I'm tired of my eyes burning from checking wikidot at night. What online resources do you use while gaming that have darker backgrounds?
Hey, I've just realised that we're not on Reddit anymore so nobody will tell me off for recommending the best resource out there, 5e.tools!
Quite fumbly when it comes to longer reads, but quick reference it is best.
Also sucks that it has yarr harr fiddle dee content so, even though its CR calculator and loot generator are some of the best i've ever seen, i can't recommend them to anyone.
Why in the world would you be unable to recommend it to people due to piracy? That's the reason I always recommend it.
Dark Reader Extension.
Installed on my desktop. Thank you!!!
You can also install it on the android version of Firefox
Brave browser has a browser-layer dark mode (other browser might have one as well). It doesn't work equally well for every site, but it works for wikidot just fine.
I use an extension for my browser that I can toggle on and off at will, and makes every page I visit dark.
Does anyone here know anyone at wikidot? A dark reading mode would be amazing.