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Rotating banners on /r/piracy

Hey mates, recently I've developed a tool to use the GenerativeAI on the AI Horde to created random avatars and banners on lemmy. To keep things spicy, I wanted to deploy to rotate the /c/piracy banner daily, as I've done in a bunch of other communities like ! and the

So now this is now active!

Here's some sample images that will be created

If you have improvements you want to see on the prompt, do let me know in the comments. In the future I'm having thoughts of allowing the community here to automatically send adjustments ideas to the prompt for funsies.

  • Phenomenal work as always!

    My suggestion is mood and topic based prompts derived from the current trajectory of the sub, for example:

    Always compared to the day before

    • more swearwords = stormy weather
    • more anti corporate speak = more punky/anarchist pictures
    • more friendly words = sunny weather
    • more people joining = more ships in the background
    • more posts = more loot/gold in the background

    This is pretty complex but would give it a unique adaptive vibe instead of randomness alone.

    Just an idea. Thanks for reading. :)

    • Oh that's a great idea! I'll see if I can utilize this somehow. Feel free to share code as well ;)

      • Thanks! Will try if I can come up with something.

      • You might be able to adapt code that's used to analyze text to form word clouds in order to pull that off

        No idea where exactly to look but the concepts seem pretty much identical, just change the output

  • While this is very cool, and a nice idea. I have to vote aginst it. AI art is just so uncanny and soulless.

    In my opinion it'd be way better to have human-drawn art as the banner. For starters AI generated "art" can't really even be called art. "Art" implies that it has some meaning, value, message, or a memory even. AI can make art tho, when you mastered it and use it the same as painter uses a brush. I don't think a daily random gen in compatible with putting care into what you create. If we switch the banner every day with another auto generated picture, it'll be just that; a cool picture. But if we maybe switch it up every year (for it to not be stale) with an art competition it'll have love in it at least, with possibilty for all kind of valuables, such as refrences or a unique style.

    You could get around this issue with an avatar. A mascot (of the community) if you will. After having the mascot fed to an AI it can generate it in any position doing anything with any background, allowing us to not waste the idea of another commenter (haui), who suggested that it should be dynamic, that it should change depending on what happened the previous day. It could be refreshed daily, it could be made dynamic, and it'll have soul.

    I can't draw. But I think I speak for others when I say that I wouldn't mind drawing a character for a community that I can thank thousands of dollars to.

  • Hello! The idea is phenomenal, although I feel that some or most of the genAI images look uncanny usually. I would honestly prefer human made arts, but those could be really costly, so that's totally understandable. I'm impartial on this decision tho, do anything you like! ^^

    Also we can lengthen the rotation process tho. A weekly or monthly change would be plenty sufficient, but it's just a small preference.

  • Hey, this is awesome! I might have to set this up to change the banner on my own instance daily. I’ve written a decent amount of python in my time so maybe I can take a look at the code too.

  • Also wanted to drop a comment that this is awesome and a fantastic use of AI!

  • Be Weird, Download a Car, Generate Art, Screw Copyrights

    Captain be taking his motto onto other levels

  • Are you sure it won't create problems?

    User and community profiles are updated at most every 24 hours...


    Perhaps there could be some skips since both happen every 24 hours.

    I don't understand the federation enough, so I'd personally bumb it to every 26 hours. Not for any particular reason except that it's the next whole even number. Or maybe 30 when rounded to 10 which is nice. But I don't like the 3 so perhaps 40.
    Although 250 hours also sounds good as it's even, a quarter of 1,000 and it's 900,000 seconds and not some odd number. But that's so close 1M...

    Nevermind, I am just overthinking it. But perhaps a bit over 24 hours might be a good idea. I don't know, perhaps it's a stupid thought.

  • Very neat idea, though I do have a question, are these banners set to upload to the pictrs database or are they set to upload to a fixed location with the pointer in the community set to that location, it might be a better idea to do that i.e. community banner set to i.e. and have it overwrite that image when replacing without changing the hardcoded link in the communities. I've done this on my other profiles, using a hard-coded link to another site and changing the images there without uploading a new one.

    A reason why that could be worth it is because on pictrs the old ones aren't normally deleted and they can accumulate fast. Of course you could also set up automated deletion of the old one on pictrs which would accomplish the same thing but could be a bit more challenging since I've heard pictrs management is a pain on Lemmy in its current state.

  • Just to make sure I understood things on my research correctly, AI Horde utilizes Stable Diffusion which is already trained with LAION dataset, is that correct?

    I am just an user and not even part of your instance, but I think it would feel nicer to have a member of the community creating the images and the commissions being paid through community funds but well, since this is a piracy community this might not be a shared sentiment.

    • Lol we're not getting enough donations to even pay the server costs

      • This is really unfortunate considering how popular the community is. I honestly assumed your instance was doing fine with donations, so maybe a lot of people might do it as well. Having the donation goal on the side bar could help, maybe? This community has helped me and my spouse a lot so we will be definitely be donating in the next few days.