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Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

European Union representative admits that the ‘era of Western dominance has indeed definitively ended’ ‘The West against the Rest’

Recently, the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, made a surprising admission in a blog post on the official website of the EU’s diplomatic service. Borrell confessed, “If the current global geopolitical tensions continue to ev

‘The West against the Rest’

His honest assessment that, “The era of Western dominance has indeed definitively ended,” is a bold disclosure. Such a statement from any EU official, especially a high-ranking member, is unprecedented.


Working and oppressed people around the world are fed up with Western powers and their [neo]imperialist policies. Even within the U.S., young people and families within oppressed communities are challenging the decaying political system. The recent “uncommitted” votes against Joe Biden in Michigan, led by the state’s Palestinian community, is another indication of how Western dominance is diminishing.