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Could the Federation defeat Star Wars' Empire in an all-out war?

Would a Federation warship like the Defiant out gun a Star Wars Star Destroyer? Who has a bigger armada? Who has the tactical advantage? Don't forget that The Federation includes the Klingons, who love warfare and have fast, agile, heavily armed ships, with cloaking devices, and the Vulcans with superior logic and tactical planning.

  • I highly doubt it.

    Tech wise, they would be on par, but Empire forces would FAR outnumber federation forces.

    Place the skirmish in the Star Wars galaxy, and Sith enter chat, who would absolutely slaughter federation officers after boarding.

    Place it outside their galaxy and odds would slightly improve, but not much.

    The Star Wars galaxy is full of infinite resource mechanisms like the Starforge and cloning/droid programs for troops.

    Star Trek universe has finite resources.

    Also, as far as the Klingons and Vulkans argument, the Star Wars universe literally, according to descriptions of the senate, thousands over thousands of species, all with their own advantages and usually minimal disadvantages.

    The only real thing that tilts it for me is if Q enters chat.

    Edit: I love this thread, and am having a ball geek debating, but I am pretty firmly set that at best we have a Battle of Thermopylae situation here.

    The Federation could put up a valiant fight, but they can't get anywhere with Romulans or Cardacians, respectively 1 planet of adversaries each. They certainly could not defeat 1/3rd of the entire Star Wars core galaxy without an OBSCENE amount of plot armor.

    • Q is just as likely to side with the whole new universe to fuck with as he is to help his “friends.”

      And the Continuum likely won’t choose sides.

  • 100% Empire. Star Wars ships with hyper drivers are so much faster than Warp Drives. It takes the Millennium Falcon hours or a day to get across the galaxy. It takes Voyager 80+ years. It takes weeks to traverse the Federation alone. If the Empire was completely out classed in combat by Federation technology, and that's a big if, the Empire would have zero issues just glassing every planet while the Federation would take days to respond.

  • Yes and also no depending on who you ask and what they decide about power levels that are never compared in either universe.

  • Well star wars has a huge advantage with just the sheer size. A star destroyer is massive compared to the enterprise.

    That said Trek has some really advanced technology. Teleporters, more advanced computers, better sheilds.

    The real would be the borg afte the get any force sensitive assimilated.

    • The force is about tapping to the life force, and usually portrayed as a single living thing "tuning" into the living force.

      Idk if the Borg could do that. As in, can the collective utilise the Force? Guess if they get a person who can, yeah... and... would that mean the collective then understands how to connect to the Force?

      Depending on your take on the whole midichlorian thing, but even with it, presumably if the collective learns about the Force by assimilating one user, it could then utilise the Force with any Borg who have a sufficiently high M-count.

      That would be pretty fiercesome. But if there's one thing the Borg lack it's that Jedi style wisdom.

      "Futile, resistance is not." — Yoda while slashing through drones

      • Yeah but "size matters not" I always took the force as something that needs intense focus to really control and that no body faces something like force shot circuit. So a single force using drone would be a conduit for the collective mind of the Borg to use the force. Or at least that's how I take it.

        If we go down the midichlorian rabbit hole. Then the borg should be able to make more of them. Nanobots advanced biology should make it possible to start making force using drones. But I doubt midichlorians are that mundane, ie they are to mystical to really behave scientifically

  • There's a fan fic about exactly this question, written by Graham Kennedy (of the Daystrom Institute Technical Library website.)

    tl;dr: Federation shields, weapons, engines, and tactics are vastly superior, and they are nearly impervious to the Force. But the Empire has a huge numerical advantage.