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[Not the Onion] I have a new FiveThirtyEight piece out, "The less you vote, the more you back Trump."


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  • Don't think you need a PhD in statistics to understand that you can't reverse causality like this

    Being a liberal causes you to vote =/= voting causes you to be a liberal

    • he's just making the descriptive observation, not making a prescriptive claim, right?

      • If the average person read “the more basketballs you shoot, the more you are an NBA player” I think many would read it as a causal relationship that operates at the individual level.

        I mean strictly speaking it’s not incorrect, but I just know this author wants to scare people into voting as if it affects their political views.

        When Marx said, ”the human essence is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In its reality it is the ensemble of social relations,” I think it’s coming from a similar standpoint of incommensurability between aggregates and individuals. There may be an “average voter” as a statistical object, but it does not exist as a real individual.

        • i appreciate the comment. i don't know how i interpreted your comment, or how i ended up addressing it.

          i think i agree with what you're saying, i'm surprised that the author would be attached to the headline, which is weirdly normatively charged, for what i assume is now a not unsurprising observation that recently lower turnout elections have swung the Dems way.

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