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Pardon me for not finding “vulnerable people need to die for my ideology” very convincing.


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  • If you feel like your vote is useless because both choices are near the same level of bad (even if one of them is somewhat less bad,) consider voting for Literally Anybody Else. Look him up, he's pretty based (even though he does have one or two bad ideas.)

    • If you feel like your vote is useless because both choices are not even remotely close to even the same ballpark of the same level of bad but Biden's still pretty far from what you want, consider joining Bernie Sanders's activist organization, instead of trying to bring Trump to power through inaction while cloaking yourself in a tissue-thin veneer of bullshit to justify your Trump-enablement as a good thing somehow.

      • Dawg I'm not trying to bring Trump to power. I'm trying to send a message that we're not going to keep playing the game of the two parties putting forth their worst candidates and that if they're not going to represent us, we can and will replace them.

        I'm more interested in the long-term game of breaking down the two-party dichotomy (though this doesn't directly do that) and all the political hatred it has enabled for many years which is only getting worse as time goes on. I consider this a higher priority than the short-term risk of Trump maybe getting into office for a single term more if there are more liberals that hold this sentiment than conservatives.

        Also for the record, when I said "because both choices are near the same level of bad," I was addressing the sentiment in the literature being tweeted about, not how I actually feel. Of course Biden is significantly less bad than Trump.

    • I voted Williamson over Biden in the primary this year.

      I wish all of the "uncommitteds" had done the same. It sucks that there's a candidate who actually supports universal health care, living wages, and maybe not spending all of our money on war (and genocide)... and that candidate will get zero delegates.

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