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I will not be taking questions.
  • I don't like being wet, so I'd use about as much TP anyways. Maybe more.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • If it's hanging from the other side, there's even more space for a spider to hide outside of view.

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • I've had a bidet for years and never used it. The rest of my family does, but I have no interest.

  • Hey there both good
  • You ever think about how weird it is that RPG means two different genres of game depending on whether it's a video game?

  • Hey there both good
  • If you want to make cool things, you play Minecraft. If you want to do cool things, you play Terraria. In Minecraft, it's all about gathering resources and building, and the combat is an obstacle on the way to that. In Terraria, it's about combat, and you gather resources and reshape the world to help you fight bosses.

  • Starter Guide
  • At least they're not red circles and arrows.

  • Grass is Greener
  • If the grass is laying flat against the ground, I guess. But it usually just leans. Either way, this is outside the scope of my statement.

  • Grass is Greener
  • From the side, the blades obscure the dirt. Either that, or my neighbor's grass really is greener.

  • Why defederation is extremely rare on
  • I'm glad that, when I arbitrarily chose an instance to create an account on, I ended up on one that I agree with on this so much.

  • 8,000 seat TX church attendance after lead pastor (Trump's spiritual advisor) busted for pedophilia
  • I don't think it can really infect them if they didn't know about the crime until recently. That being said, I understand your concern. Christians are meant to be built different, though. Jesus was a friend of sinners. We're not assumed to be corrupted because we hung around someone who was corrupt.

    The way my church's denomination does it, when a pastor steps down, they pull in a new pastor from another church, which also alleviates this concern. I say this not to defend Gateway Church (their new pastor is the old pastor's son,) but to demonstrate that not all churches have the problems you hear about.

  • 8,000 seat TX church attendance after lead pastor (Trump's spiritual advisor) busted for pedophilia
  • It's not just about good vs evil. It's about love and forgiveness. That's not to say pedophiles should get off scot free, because it's also wisdom - it's very unwise to keep a pedophile in a position where they have access to kids like that.

    But I digress. If the org is imploded, all the churchgoers will have to find a new church, and many won't bother. Unless the church has serious theological issues (which just about no church would think they do,) that wouldn't be good. Instead, it's possible to remove the bad apple and replace them with someone else. The way my church's denomination does it, whenever a pastor steps down, the new pastor comes from another church, which helps to make sure there isn't lasting corruption. From what I read about this one, the new pastor is the old pastor's son, so...

  • Automation
  • Look for a bonnet. Wolves don't wear bonnets.

  • Grass is Greener
  • Grass looks greener from the side than from directly above.

  • 8,000 seat TX church attendance after lead pastor (Trump's spiritual advisor) busted for pedophilia
  • Looks like, based off a quick Wikipedia skim:

    • The lead pastor resigned
    • That's a different guy preaching
    • That's about 30% of its normal attendance
    • At least one person in the audience is there to take a picture and point out how many people are still there ; )

    What do you expect, the church to completely dissolve? I wouldn't be surprised if this church had some serious theological issues given its association with Trump, but one pastor, even the lead pastor, doing an evil doesn't mean the whole church is faulty.

  • A cool guide on the easiest swimsuit colors to spot in case a drowning happens
  • We do what we must because we can, for the good of all of us (except the ones who are dead.)

  • Chillin’ like a villain
  • This could have ruined someone's Friday! Good thing it's not Friday any more. I approve.

  • Guess he gets twitter/X idk
  • That's a funny court case. Pepsi releases an ad where someone gets a fighter jet for 7,000,000 pepsi points. Someone finds they can be bought for $0.10 each, so buys that many pepsi points and asks for the jet. The court sides with Pepsi, because it's ridiculous to think you're getting a fighter jet for that, and afterwards Pepsi edits the commercial to make it 700,000,000 pepsi points instead.

    Also Pepsi never cashed the check for the points, and they did add a "Just Kidding" disclaimer, but that wasn't in the synopsis on Wikipedia. 700,000,000 pepsi points would cost almost double what the jet is valued at, so if someone did try the stunt again, they'd theoretically be able to get the jet to them. However, the Pentagon stated that the jet would have to be demilitarized, which includes removing its advertised feature of vertical takeoff and landing.

  • Will Not See - But A Jape
  • To be fair, they might think you're sealioning.

  • Lepidoptera 🤙🤙🤙
  • Pfft, I knew that from Ben 10. (I didn't, I just recognized it as a type of bug.)

  • Will Not See - But A Jape
  • I can have my moments of being that guy. "Obviously a Nazi" is less persuasive than "literally saying Jews should be eradicated" when it comes to believing they're a Nazi.

  • pathfinder Sotuanduso
    Pathfinder 1e character sheet with 3rd party support. Customizable Character Sheet - Pathfinder 1e

    Welcome Copy this sheet. It's yours now. Break it however you want. Yellow cells are designed to be editable. Green cells have formulas. Feel free to change those formulas. Make notes in white spaces. Add extra blocks if you want. Delete pages you don't need. Or just hide them if you might need ...

    Customizable Character Sheet - Pathfinder 1e

    cross-posted from:

    > I couldn't find a good character sheet that's fully customizable without digging into complex formulas and reference tables, so I made my own. Feel free to use it or give feedback.

    Pathfinder 1e Sotuanduso
    Pathfinder 1e character sheet with 3rd party support. Customizable Character Sheet - Pathfinder 1e

    Welcome Copy this sheet. It's yours now. Break it however you want. Yellow cells are designed to be editable. Green cells have formulas. Feel free to change those formulas. Make notes in white spaces. Add extra blocks if you want. Delete pages you don't need. Or just hide them if you might need ...

    Customizable Character Sheet - Pathfinder 1e

    I couldn't find a good character sheet that's fully customizable without digging into complex formulas and reference tables, so I made my own. Feel free to use it or give feedback.

    Testing Lemmy Sotuanduso
    Oh, you think you can just test here?

    Well, test as much as you like! I have no authority over you.

    But I will observe and possibly meddle if I don't forget. Mark my words!

    [Meta] Resolving the political memes argument

    There have been quite a few comments and posts arguing about political memes and whether they belong here. I'm not exactly in any position of authority, but hopefully I can do something about this.

    Which option do y'all think is best?

    1. People who want to post political memes do so in ! instead.
    2. People who don't want to see political memes subscribe to ! instead, which doesn't allow politics.
    3. Nothing changes.

    I'm not asking for a rule to be made, I'm just asking for the general consensus. I'm hoping that this will help to raise awareness of those other communities, so that if people favor option 1, more political meme posters can move there, and if people favor option 2, more people who don't want politics can move there. And then I can also know whether to keep watching this community or move.

    (Please don't downvote this post for complaining about political memes, because if it gets seen, it tells the complainers where they can go to avoid political memes, and then they'll be out of your hair.)

    Pathfinder 1e Sotuanduso
    Geek Related's chase rules

    I just stumbled on this the other day. Has anyone here ever used them? Whether you have or not, what do you think of them?

    Hermitcraft Sotuanduso
    Doc is insane.
    Spoiler - Doc season 9 episode 54

    When I saw he was playing with dragon eggs, I though he was going to do something simple, like make a contraption that repeatedly drops an egg to softlock Grian, so he'd have to get someone else to help him remove it.

    But I guess things are never going to be so small-scale with Doc. I'm really looking forward to see how the others react.

    Remember: Don't do this to your friends (unless they have a Grian skin,) and always have backup gear in case of an accident.

    Pathfinder 1e Sotuanduso
    Players - Tell us about your character

    I'm a bit of a forever GM, so I can't share for myself here, but what kinds of characters are you guys playing?

    Pathfinder 1e Sotuanduso
    Welcome to the Pathfinder 1e community.

    I saw there were already 2e communities, so I figured I might as well make this one too. Say hi while you're here.

    If any mods from the Pathfinder_RPG subreddit wanna be mod here, just let me know. I will, of course, want to verify your identity via message on Reddit first.

    Hermitcraft Sotuanduso
    Hermitcraft community on Lemmy

    Figured I might as well make one. Say hi if you're here.

    If any mods from the Hermitcraft subreddit want to be mod here, just let me know. I will of course verify who you are by asking on Reddit first.
