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Fat Doinks at Dick Bong

  • It's how you turn a goth gf into a goth wife
  • Yup.

    That's okay. They'll remember me when they wake up next to someone who hates them and they have two or three screaming children that won't let them sleep.

  • Video: Water cannon used on people protesting against Delhi water crisis
  • I wish the video were of that crowd bashing that person's brains in.

  • See New Images from Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2!
  • This is gonna be so good. I loved the first season.

  • It's how you turn a goth gf into a goth wife
  • Meh.

    Freedom is better than marriage. Bachelorhood is underrated.

  • This is going to set back medical trust for years
  • Agreed. Handing over personal info is not unlike handing the wrong person a loaded gun.

  • This is going to set back medical trust for years
  • I dunno, man. Texas is a human rights violator through their prison system. I imagine it won't be a picnic.

  • The dying gasps of NY Public Library Social Media
  • It was wild to see, but New Yorkers seem to love picking the guy who promises to be the biggest asshole to homeless people.

  • The dying gasps of NY Public Library Social Media
  • The tenor of your comment was largely dismissive and negative, though. Regardless, apologies for the misunderstanding.

  • The dying gasps of NY Public Library Social Media
  • My condo building has three stations where people can get a doggie bag to pick up their dog shit.

    Two are outside the gate and can be used by anybody.

    I benefit from people picking up their dog shit even if they don't live here, so it's worth it that my HOA dues go to keep those stations filled.

    Same difference. Even if you don't use the library you benefit from people in your city having access to the services that libraries provide. You also benefit by NYPD having $53,000,000 less to spend on weapons.

  • Wales could become world’s first country to criminalise politicians who lie
  • It's sad how astonished I am to read about this. It's weird enough that there are some countries that require the news to present factual information, but to require truth from politicians seems way too right to ever become a real thing.

  • Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News
  • Here we go with the circle jerk of trolls.

    No, it isn't.

  • Been here for a year, haven't regretted it ever
  • Agreed.

    Huge upgrade.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Also, the big tech bastards haven't managed to kill off emulation, so that's encouraging.

  • Eat the rich.
  • Mhmm. Gross.

  • Eat the rich.
  • Diogenes was, by all accounts, a gross-ass motherfucker.

    ...but I like his revolutionary spirit.

  • I go out of my way to not crap at work.
  • LOL

    Sounds awesome.

  • I go out of my way to not crap at work.
  • Same.

    I actually keep a small amount of TP in my briefcase for when it has to happen.

  • X is about to start hiding all likes
  • Might have been a bad idea to just let the bots run rampant on his platform.

  • Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free - NY Daily News Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    The gift from board chair Ruth Gottesman to Albert Einstein Medical College in the Bronx removes a major financial hurdle to becoming a physician in a historically underserved borough.

    Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    Just another example of something that could be universal if we taxed the rich appropriately.

    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    Michigan will experiment with guaranteed income in Flint, one of its poorest cities, giving expectant and new moms $7,500 — no strings attached — to lift the stress of poverty from their newborns.

    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    FLINT—Eight days after entering the world, Khi’Meir Taylor made another debut — this time in what could be a national spotlight.

    Wednesday was the first day of a $55 million experiment to test whether cash payments can protect children from the toxic stress of poverty.

    Victoria - The Master Spy

    At least, she is in her own little world. :)

    Several of our KC-area roller derby skaters won a national title at USARS Nationals this weekend.

    I just thought it would be cool to put this out there. The Satellites featured several local skaters from Fountain City Roller Derby: Tiff (a former Team USA skater), Mel Malice, Aneeda Hurtcha, Annie Maul, and Queen of Hurts. As if that wasn't cool enough, Olympic Gold Medalist Erin Jackson was also skating for the Satellites.

    Pretty. Effing. Rad.

    If you're interested in checking out roller derby, you can find more info on

    It's game week for Fountain City Roller Derby.

    Hola Kansas City. This week is game one of all-gender season at Fountain City Roller Derby. Here are the details:

    Location: Olahrama Skating Rink Date Time: Saturday, June 24 at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00. Tickets: $15 for adults. Kids 17 and under are free. Food: The snack bar will be open or you can bring in your own drinks and snacks for a $10 cooler fee, no glass allowed.

    I promise we'll skate our hearts out for you.

    Who are some of history's biggest unnamed badasses? How a single Viking's berserker rage changed world history forever

    1066 was a tough year for Harold Godwinson, also known as Harold II, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. This had a lot to do with the two approaching forces who were trying to end his reign way earlier than he expected. One of them would be famou…

    How a single Viking's berserker rage changed world history forever

    Personally, my favorite is the Viking of Stamford Bridge. The thought that one man taking out 40 English soldiers and completely altering history in one epic fight is just awesome, and no one recorded his name.

    They just gave him a kickass title instead.


    Camille - Before and After

    This is the picture I like to show artists when they hate their stuff after a single layer of work, because I hate all of my stuff after a single layer of work, but it's important to remember it's a process.

    FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne

    Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.

    I'm single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.

    @artbyflashmob on Instagram

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