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  • Lol, bullshit. 94%/88% on RT.

    The show is awesome, and has already been greenlit for S02. It would have been so easy to fuck this show up, but they knocked it out of the park. As an avid player of the games, I loved it! This reviewer doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

  • I'm a franchise loyalist and I am so, so, so past caring about this New Vegas shit. There's no guarantees that New Vegas isn't in despair off an external shot. And even if it is, I'm interested in hearing how it goes.

    The show was great.

  • Retconning the only modern Fallout game with a decent story and good writing as opposed to all the garbage they put out.

    Never change, Bethesda.

  • New Vegas is the best of the modern Fallout games, but toxic elements in its fan base are making me enjoy the game less and less each year. We should stop giving them the time of day.

    The show is great, and these people are just fishing for nonsense to feed their persecution complex.

  • I played the games. I think the show's sets and designs are good, but I can't get into it. It just feels like sequalitis with no soul.

  • i am a big new vegas fan, and follow a lot of youtubers and other parts of the fandom - I havent seen this backlash against the show this article mentions? Most NV fans are pretty happy with it that Ive seen.

    Maybe this is only happening in the more toxic circles?

  • Best thing in the show was the mistery of vault 31 and the solution was extremely underwhelming. I think people just need time to digest. I hate Maximus.

  • Anything I should be aware of if I decide I'd like to give it a watch?

    • It sometimes runs on video game logic (for example, some pretty bad injuries can be healed instantly with the right equipment while others can't) and is bloodier than I would have expected. I'd say you don't need to be too familiar with the games as the show tells its own story. It has quite a few references to tropes from the games but even if you don't get the reference, it should still be enjoyable.

      In general don't trust sensationalist reviews that call it the best or worst show of the year.