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April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features

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Cosmic Desktop: Hammering Out New Cosmic Features

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April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features - System76 Blog

  • To maintain focus — as well as comfort on trackpads — simply clicking any region of a window while holding Super will allow dragging it to your preferred location and quickly get back to your important task.

    Curious why you chose super instead of the usual alt?

    • All desktops use the Super key nowadays. Sway, i3, GNOME, Plasma, etc. are all using the Super key. Have been for years. The standard convention is that the Super key is reserved for system-level shortcuts handled by the window manager; and Alt key shortcuts are reserved for application-level shortcuts. Your desktop might have bound both Alt and Super because of legacy reasons.

  • quick question, is the look of the gtk3/4 theming final? Or is it still a work in progress

    • Are you interested in contributing? You can find the source code for theme generation here and here.

      • i absolutely would if i could, but i looked at the code and it is thoroughly incomprehensible to me.

        I was just going to suggest what ways the gtk3/4 theme could look better:

        • make gtk3 and 4 match libatwaita, except for the colours. (easier to do because adw-gtk3 already exists)
        • make the applications match comic's styling closer.

        also if the reason that they look that way is to ensure that every app looks right and that there is no breakage, that's understandable, this is just my 2c, feel free to ignore it