April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features
April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features

System76 Blog

April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features
System76 Blog
I’m pretty new to linux and just got Pop os running on my gaming pc. When cosmic comes out do I just update or download Cosmic or is it a fresh install on my system?
It'll likely just be an update and handled by the package manager accordingly. Old Gnome-based Cosmic is being retired afaik.
To maintain focus — as well as comfort on trackpads — simply clicking any region of a window while holding Super will allow dragging it to your preferred location and quickly get back to your important task.
Curious why you chose super instead of the usual alt?
All desktops use the Super key nowadays. Sway, i3, GNOME, Plasma, etc. are all using the Super key. Have been for years. The standard convention is that the Super key is reserved for system-level shortcuts handled by the window manager; and Alt key shortcuts are reserved for application-level shortcuts. Your desktop might have bound both Alt and Super because of legacy reasons.
Oh TIL, thanks
I’m not daily driving PopOS anymore but I’m still super excited to test Cosmic when it releases!
I'm looking forward to Cosmic, but I'm curious if it will delay the 24.04 LTS release. 22.04 is pretty long in the tooth at this point.
How so? 22.04 is actively maintained and updated by Ubuntu, and is still the latest LTS release. On top of that, the most important packages in Pop!_OS are updated frequently, so we are on Mesa 24.0.3 and Linux 6.8.0. As for when COSMIC releases, you should read last month's blog post.
Nobody who packages debs are updating their applications for jammy anymore. Anything I install is several versions old at this point. Just the other day I tried to compile an application that uses Autocxx, only to find that it requires C++14 headers, and the jammy repo only had up to 12 or 13. I know I can add PPAs or get things other ways, but it kind of defeats the point of a package manager if I'm constantly hunting for things outside of it.
quick question, is the look of the gtk3/4 theming final? Or is it still a work in progress
i absolutely would if i could, but i looked at the code and it is thoroughly incomprehensible to me.
I was just going to suggest what ways the gtk3/4 theme could look better:
also if the reason that they look that way is to ensure that every app looks right and that there is no breakage, that's understandable, this is just my 2c, feel free to ignore it
this looks fucking great!
That's a lot of progress! Worth the read.
Its interesting that they switched to the humanity icon theme
That is to show the icon theme feature.
Its interesting that they switched to the humanity icon theme