The classic DOOM game over htop, the text-based process viewer
The classic DOOM game over htop, the text-based process viewer
The classic DOOM game over htop, the text-based process viewer - 0x0mer/doom-htop
The classic DOOM game over htop, the text-based process viewer
The classic DOOM game over htop, the text-based process viewer - 0x0mer/doom-htop
Be careful: This has a keylogger with sudo access underneath (which the developer openly says, so it's nothing nefarious, just something to be aware of).
Well spotted, thanks.
Be careful to not be doomed ^^
Perfect for psDooM.
😄 Forgot about that one. And TIL about Chocolate Doom
Every day we stray further from god. I wonder if it could be used to make the worlds worst VNC server...
the Neo experience
All I see is blonde, brunette and redhead demons.
Now run this htop on a kitchen scale that itself is virtual and made from red stone.
Now someone port doom to Dolphin or GIMP
I have no idea what that will even look like, but if I say it's not possible, I will be wrong.
oh, ffs
I totally love these 'lets run X on this completely unrelated Y' projects, and nested projects like running emulators in simulators etc. Nerds for the world!!
"You see Timmy? Everything is possible if you just believe put in the fucking work!"
Can a CLI run play Doom?
is this like psDooM where I can hunt down and shoot processes on my system?