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What is your favorite todo app without a subscription?

Looking for an alternative to apps like TickTick and Todoist but I don’t want a subscription to deal with. I can justify a one time purchase of a todo app though as long as it’s reasonable. Any recommendations?

  • Apple Reminders, which I now keep in a widget on my phone & iPad home screens. This is mainly for repeating items, like shopping, since I can turn on "show completed" and then uncheck them to put back on the list.

    Or paper notebook, which I normally have in my pocket. This is for more serious things where I need to write some procedure or notes.

    Used to use Things, which is great, but it's overkill for my current needs.

  • 2Do - has so many features that I don’t even use half of. Very powerful and I believe it is just a one time charge. Ive been using it for almost a decade now

  • (I use Todoist.)

    Have you considered rolling your own? The defacto starter project for basically any application framework is a ToDo app. If you have any interest in learning a new language / framework, check out TODO MVC.

  • I have a pretty straightforward solution. I keep a text file called 'todo' in my Syncthing sync folder, and I added 'cat Sync/todo' to my Fish greeting.

  • I use Dynalist. It's an outliner, not strictly a to-do app but functions well enough as one. Also useful for notes, brainstorming, project management, or anything where you want text in a tree structure.

  • Before switching to TickTick I found Google Tasks to be a decent option

  • Google Keep (since it convenient) and Github's built in kanban board (which is super nice for coding projects)