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Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity

The Epic First Run programme allows developers of any size to claim 100% of revenue if they agree to make their game exclusive on the Epic Games Store for six months.

After the six months are up, the game will revert to the standard Epic Games Store revenue split of 88% for the developer and 12% for Epic Games.

  • Hey maybe you should make a launcher that isn't shit?

    I mean, good on you for paying the developers well but Steam became very popular because they kept improving it.

  • Reeks of desperation, Tim's hate boner for Valve seem to drive a lot of Epic's policies

    • i doubt it's a hate boner tbh, it just needs to be communicated that way if he wants the slightest chance of success here. their real game is that they saw the 30% cut steam makes from most games and decided it's free real estate, that it is the way they'll keep themselves rich after fortnite's hype cycle runs out. the problem is, they haven't put in the decade of work to everything gamers want that would justify that cut -- it's actually exceedingly hard to beat steam in their own game, so instead epic tries to breed hatred for steam to take their cut through duplicitous marketing as opposed to genuinely just outcompeting them.

      i'm not defending tim sweeney here (in fact i'm calling him a lying fuck), but i think he's just a lying fuck, not a hater. the hate is just a marketing strategy. but who knows, maybe he got in his own head and started actually hating valve after he couldn't beat them this way

      • This is a fair point, Valve has earned that 30% cut imo, the amount of stuff they offer to devs is pretty impressive, meanwhile Epic is still playing catch-up. I guess they're still trying to establish a good user base that they can point to as consistent income outside of Fortnite, and this is an option they're going for.

  • There's a lot of weird steam fanboy comments going on in here. A company doesn't need or deserve your loyalty.

    • I think people just want to be able to buy the game where they want to without a big corporation forcing exclusivity. All these tactics epic has been using have not done them any favors with public opinion. They should of just focused on a better storefront/product and sold games cheaper. No one likes being forced.

    • it's not about loyalty, it's just about going with the better product and being mad when we're forced to go with the inferior one.

      like, for a different example, when people are mad that starfield doesn't feature nvidia technologies, that's not because they're nvidia fanboys. the vast majority of gamers hate nvidia right now, especially those who have nvidia gpus, because they'd like to upgrade and the options suck so hard. but not being able to use the better upscaling tech that your gpu supports just because amd made a deal with bethesda to force their inferior products on everyone, and drag down everyone instead of propping up amd users, is just infuriating. people aren't looking out for nvidia there, they're looking out for themselves, and they just don't want to be punished for going with one corpo vs another.

      steam vs egs is the same thing. no one gives a flying fuck about gaben's wallet, it's about the experience you're getting. people don't want to ditch steam's extremely versatile client for a barebones play button on egs.

      i think it's the epic games side that has fanboys in this comment section, because there is no reason for someone to prefer egs for their own good. every argument for egs takes the form of "well, if we allowed them to earn a bunch of money, " and that's fanboyism. people just wanting the better stuff for themselves without regard to the company making it is not fanboyism.

      and sure, there's still an argument to be made about market conditions and long-term consequences, but i really don't think it makes sense here. steam has a proven track record of providing for gamers for decades at this point and i really don't see why epic games would be more trustworthy. i do actually buy stuff on gog every once in a while, both for selfish reasons (i want the offline installers) and for long-term thinking (i want a drm-free platform to continue existing) but there's no similar calculus for epic games. the main argument for them is that they're not steam, but if that's why we'd be propping up a competitor, it should be gog, not egs.