Hey folks, the beta for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 should be ready to start this coming week!
The beta will have everything I've shown off so far, including a new item category, changes to alchemy, and changes to the Duelist. There are also some levelgen additions! Entrance and exit rooms in particular are going to become more visually varied.
Not every entrance will be as open as this one, and it's worth noting that the game does perform some checks so that enemies won't initially spawn within vision of the entrance stairs.
Oh yeah, you shouldn't ever assume seeds will produce the same dungeon on different game versions.
Edit: not entirely sure why this is being downvoted. New game versions change the content that's in the game, which would thereby also change what dungeon will be generated for a particular seed. There's no avoiding that.
Considering there's a Random.pushGenerator(); statement, allowing additional randomness without affecting further dungeon generation, most minor changes should be able to preserve seeds. But I get that it doesn't always help to preserve seed generation if there are major changes to say adding new items in game.
Changing seed generation between versions easily though cause confusion to players reading topics on lemmy or elsewhere, using seeds that's perhaps not older than days or weeks.