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Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta
  • When I said it only has value when there are people to value it, I didn't mean the system would break further, I meant that we are in the middle of an anthropogenic mass extinction. They didn't succeed- two octagenarians were not meant to- but the next time they might actually try. They aren't looking for recruits, they are warning us. They are getting more desperate.

    Am I suggesting the government do- no. If the system of government were going to take meaningful action to curb a global mass extinction event, it would have by now.

    The government will do whatever it wishes, as it ever has. I advocate overthrowing the government. Revolution. Bloody, violent revolution if necessary. To whatever new system will take the existential threat seriously, and wield its vast inherited power to prevent that apocalypse. Autocracy, communism, whatever will not hum and haw and wait for a more convenient season to face toward annihilation with a bold face and take the difficult, necessary steps.

    Educating people... Please: Listen to yourself. Read back your own words. "healthy solutions" instead of inconvenient lifestyle changes, the value of history over an existentially threatened future.

    People dont want to be 'educated' by people they equate to doomsayers standing on the corner with a megaphone. And do you seriously think people havent been trying, for decades now to do that very thing?

    The environment... people have been told its about the environment, and it is that. It is about the plants that are reducing in quantity and quantity in the stifling heat and soon not to be producing enough for everyone to eat. It is about the beetles and the earthworms who do their thankless toil maintaining the earth for those plants to grow. It is about the fish who choke on our waste and the fungi we prevent from accessing.

    It is also about us. What will we eat? Where will our children play? What layers of ventilated plastic will we have to wear to survive the heat? We. Live. In. The. Envirnoment.

    You want an education? Here's one few seem to know about, and I dont wonder why: Ocean acidification. CO2 dissolves in our ocean and the pH goes down. More CO2, more acidic. This in turn dissolves the shells of marine life. Those marine life produce almost 80% of the oxygen we need to fucking breathe. In combination with the burning, clearcutting and, generally, rape of the planet's forests and jungles that we might continue to eat fucking hamburgers, we will, sooner than anyone could possibly wish, Suffocate.

    Fuck the magna carta, and fuck a democracy that refuses to let us come up for breath.

    peaceful education, forsooth. this education is inherently violent, and I for one am tired of pretending it isn't.

  • Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta
  • When I said it only has value when there are people to value it, I didn't mean the system wiuld break further, I meant that we are in the middle of an anthropogenic mass extinction. They didn't succeed- two octagenarians were not meant to- but the next time they might actually try. They aren't looking for recruits, they are warning us. They are getting more desperate.

    Am I suggesting the government do- no. If the system of government were going to take meaningful action to curb a global mass extinction event, it would have by now.

    The government will do whatever it wishes, as it ever has. I advocate overthrowing the government. Revolution. Bloody, violent revolution if necessary. To whatever new system will take the existential threat seriously, and wield its vast inherited power to prevent that apocalypse. Autocracy, communism, whatever will not hum and haw and wait for a more convenient season to face toward annihilation with a bold face and take the difficult, necessary steps.

    Educating people... Please: Listen to yourself. Read back your own words. "healthy solutions" instead of inconvenient lifestyle changes, the value of history over an existentially threatened future.

    People dont want to be 'educated' by people they equate to doomsayers standing on the corner with a megaphone. And do you seriously think people havent been trying, for decades now to do that very thing?

    The environment... people have been told its about the environment, and it is that. It is about the plants that are reducing in quantity and quantity in the stifling heat and soon not to be producing enough for everyone to eat. It is about the beetles and the earthworms who do their thankless toil maintaining the earth for those plants to grow. It is about the fish who choke on our waste and the fungi we prevent from accessing.

    It is also about us. What will we eat? Where will our children play? What layers of ventilated plastic will we have to wear to survive the heat?

    Educate them forsooth. You want an education? Here's one few seem to know about, and I dont wonder why: Ocean acidification. CO2

  • Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta
  • The point is that ancient document only has value if there are still people around to value it. The point is that the political system is fundamentally broken and is easily gamed by those with money- who are, of course, staunchly opposed to anything that would interfere with their rent-seeking behavior, including and especially stopping the flow of oil. The point is that joining a volunteer organization or a political organization is, and has always been as long as I have been alive, mostly either a joke, or a bandaid-on-a-festering-wound solution, or both. The point is that people who vote are voting for their direct, usually short-term interests- having gas in the car is an absolute necessity for getting to work and thereby putting food on the table for a family. That's a difficult sacrifice to make, even if, in the long-term, people know it's apocalyptic. The point is that this document they targetted got them attention. The point is showing the world that they're willing to work outside of acceptable societal norms, sacrificing their livelihoods and freedom, for what they believe in. The point is that slowly, more people will recognize and find ways of resisting, even while still continuing to vote in a broken system whose first job is to uphold ancient broken irrelevant laws and perpetuate its own existence.

    The point is that if we don't all do something, now, right now together, the world will fall apart.

    Examine your conscience. Do you really believe that parliament will pass a law limiting the flow of petrochemicals? If you believe, as I believe based on the evidence I've seen in my daily life, that the world is getting hotter and it's because of burning petrochemicals, don't you think they should have already by now, and long since? If they don't, what do you think the people who are supposed to be represented should do about it? Do you really think voting will solve this by itself?

  • Deleted
    Comment anything and I will attempt to connect it to SHPD
  • friend, I mean this in all good faith and sincerity: I personally don't want to see this kind of content on lemmy. One of the many reasons I escaped from reddit was to escape from this kind of forced memecontent. The kind of thing that is indistinguishable from a botpost. You know what I mean- "round 9 of eliminating characters," "what opinion will have you like this," "i dont know anything about x ama," etc.

    If you've got something to say about the game, or some artwork or whatever to share about this game you and I like, please by all means do share that stuff, but this is... I'm sorry, no. /o

  • Texas to pay landowners for damage caused by border crime | The Texas Tribune
  • Look at all the money we have to pay out for those filthy migrants and drug dealers! All this property damage! What's that? Gun violence? No- Look over here... They cut the poor defenseless fences trying to get in! They slept in this man's barn! Can you imagine?! He had to burn the whole thing down! This is Brandon's fault.

  • Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta
  • Maybe they wish to make some point you haven't recognized. Maybe they don't feel any more represented by what you are pleased to call a democracy than the writers of that document were by their kings?

  • U.S. University Did Something Crazy: Listened to Student Protesters Instead of Calling the Cops on Them
  • Definitely in that case, but short of something wackily eye-catching like "infoturkbot" or w/e tf that garbage is, I usually dont notice the name until im already on the page. I'm just sayin, I could easily imagine a few circumstances that would lead to someone not getting the obvious sarcasm in the headline.

  • Republican defends child marriage: I'm "pro-choice"
  • Pro choice like the ability to choose between financial or medical ruin

    Pro choice like that implied by a cop between "obey or get extra-judicially murdered"

    Pro choice like the choice both a rich man and a homeless man have between sleeping on the street and sleeping indoors.

    Pro choice like the choice between which bill you can put off this month

  • What would you have done with this money?
  • Assuming the high end of a rural area about $2000: That's groceries for 4 carefully budgeting 4-member families for a month. I'd ask them what they'd do if they didn't have to worry about groceries this month.

  • Republican defends child marriage: I'm "pro-choice"
  • Pro choice like a gunman asking "left or right kneecap"

    Pro choice like a rapist asking "ass or cunt"

    Pro choice like an addict wondering "should I take another hit"

    Pro choice like choosing between an impossible child and an illegal abortion

  • Going back multiple pages?

    I believe I've found a bug. I intermittently go back multiple pages when pressing back button. It frequently happens on youtube, and occasionally happens elsewhere.

    In the picture, find my history where I started with the google search for "the chain" (please forgive me for having history from multiple tabs all mixed up). From here I went back and forth with the expected behavior a couple of times looking for the version I remembered. When I found the correct version, I settled in to listen to it in the background for a few songs minutes until it switched to gypsy which wasn't what I wanted to hear. Naturally enough, I went back once- straight from gypsy to the google search, skipping rhiannon and dreams and the chain. This is reflected on the rightclick drop down from the forward button- observe the three intervening pages which are in the history are not in the forward/back list.

    In general, I frequently notice this unexpected and unwanted behavior when I go to youtube. I often go to the homepage, select a video, and then try to back to the homepage only to find it take me back to the blank tab, and when I try to forward it takes me to the video without the intervening homepage.

    I seem to recall times when I experienced similar behavior, but cannot put a pin in when or where and cannot at this time, despite trying, reproduce it anywhere but youtube. I haven't tried downloading chrome or shudder using edge, mostly because fuck that, but also slightly because I am very lazy.

    I also didn't notice this behavior on my laptop which had win10 and firefox (that is, before I switched to linux as a trial over there, but I digress). I tried to search for this error, but google search is terribly corrupt and difficult to get useful results beyond eg song names. I also searched this forum for "back pages" and "back page" and didn't find anything relevant going back a year.

    Do I set my computer on fire for its disobedience, or...?

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    >3D prints still suffer from bad layer adhesion due to their 2.5D slicing and printing approach. I investigated if a novel slicing method that interleaves the layer could improve the strength of 3D prints.

    Brick-Interleaved Layers

    > > > 3D prints still suffer from bad layer adhesion due to their 2.5D slicing and printing approach. I investigated if a novel slicing method that interleaves the layer could improve the strength of 3D prints. > >

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    I've recently re-discovered firefox, and have fallen in love with Reader View, but I'm noticing a few problems. Most pages with articles will work just fine, but some refuse to allow reader view, and when you force those pages into reader view it doesn't display the appropriate content.

    In today's issue, the website is just happy to allow me to view it in a readable format, but only if I want to read privacy and cookie garbage. How can I select the portion of the page I want to actually read, and tell firefox to ignore whatever bullshit I'm "supposed" to see or whatever?

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    I'm predicting a FOSS alternative to that paid/freeby garbage will have the features i need with no bullshit on top. Help?

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