Git integration in Helix for an IDE like experience?
Git integration in Helix for an IDE like experience?
Git integration in Helix for an IDE like experience?
Unfortunately, insert-output
doesn't seem to work with gitui under Windows - I don't see the application although I can see the control codes after I've quit. It does work with lazygit, but for me lazygit has a ~200 ms lag for every input, which makes it horrible to use.
Bookmarked for when I switch to Linux full-time.
yep, this method didn't work with this method for gitui on my nixos machine either. And a youtube commenter pointed out that LazyGit (inside helix) can't open files to edit. So this method is definitely not perfect but is probably still useful in the right situation
Yup, I noticed that no-Helix-inside-Helix comment too, but I don't use my git tools to edit files anyway. I often stage only certain lines, so doing that interactively is 90% of why I'd use similar tools.
Amazing, I'll try