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Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces! Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces!

Dear NixOS Community, We are thrilled to announce a unique partnership between the Framework community and the NixOS community! This collaboration aims to foster innovation in hardware enablement, enhance user experience, and strengthen our collective commitment to open-source hardware and software...

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces!

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> Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces!

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces! Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces!

Dear NixOS Community, We are thrilled to announce a unique partnership between the Framework community and the NixOS community! This collaboration aims to foster innovation in hardware enablement, enhance user experience, and strengthen our collective commitment to open-source hardware and software...

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Framework Community & NixOS Communities Join Forces!
NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community
  • Most is described here (the author probably has some amount of bias but this is the only summary I know of):

    Other than that some very active contributors resigned as maintainers in support of the open letters.

    And it seems now that the community members in support of the open letters/changes have convinced the board of the foundation to agree on some things.

  • Git integration in Helix for an IDE like experience?
  • yep, this method didn't work with this method for gitui on my nixos machine either. And a youtube commenter pointed out that LazyGit (inside helix) can't open files to edit. So this method is definitely not perfect but is probably still useful in the right situation

  • Radicle - a sovereign peer-to-peer network for code collaboration, built on top of Git.
  • From what I read in the HN thread the token is only used for governance (and possibly also fundraising), it is not baked into the actual platform. I am happy to be corrected though if anyone knows more/has more details.

    I agree that Forgejo looks good as well and is likely more usable than Radicle right now. But I do think there is value at looking at P2P solutions.

  • Radicle - a sovereign peer-to-peer network for code collaboration, built on top of Git.
  • From what I read in the HN thread the token is only used for governance (and possibly also fundraising), it is not baked into the actual platform. I am happy to be corrected though if anyone knows more/has more details.

  • Radicle - a sovereign peer-to-peer network for code collaboration, built on top of Git. Radicle

    Sovereign code infrastructure.

    Hacker news discussion - Radicle source code -

    Why do I wake up in the middle night with absolute anxiety and dread over the most mundane inconsequential social interaction I had that day?
  • Its really hard to day without more information. You should talk to a doctor. Some other things that could be causing this that noone else has mentioned yet(I can't tell if this applies for you or not based on your post):

    • not enough exercise
    • vitamin d/c deficiencies (you can take supplements of vitamin d in winter time)
    • bad gut microbiome. Try to eat a variety of vegtables as well as prebiotics (fibre, oats) and probiotics (yogurt, kefir,, sourdough ect).
    • try to get regular sleep. I know this is your problem but there may be some things you can do like have a set bedtime, no screens for a while before bed.

    Remember that many people have had similar problems and overcome them. You will just need to work out what works for you. Good luck.

  • No Boilerplate NixOS video

    cross-posted from:

    No Boilerplate NixOS video
    Nixing Technological Lock In – Economics from the Top Down Nixing Technological Lock In – Economics from the Top Down

    I take a dive into the world of software and look at the problem of managing dependencies. From the Unix design, we've inherited many problems. Can we nix them with 'Nix'?

    Nixing Technological Lock In – Economics from the Top Down
    uv: Python packaging in Rust
  • This actually sounds really promising!

    • They are teaming up with an existing python package manger written in rust.
    • These are the people who make/made ruff, probably the most useful and fast python linter.
    • you basically get pip from a single binary.
    • they plan to have cargo/poetry like functionality in the future.

    Edit: here is a blog post from the creator of rye talking about rye and UV:

  • New GitHub Copilot Research Finds 'Downward Pressure on Code Quality'
  • In this regard, AI-generated code resembles an itinerant contributor, prone to violate the DRY-ness [don't repeat yourself] of the repos visited.

    So I guess previously people might first look inside their repo's for examples of code they want to make, if they find and example they might import it instead of copy and pasting.

    When using LLM generated code they (and the LLM) won't be checking their repo for existing code so it ends up being a copy pasta soup.

  • Apple is finally allowing Firefox to use its own engine on the iPhone (but only in the EU)
  • You can install alternative android distros on an android phone that will keep updating long after the manufacturer has stopped. For example lineage OS which supports lots of devices (but not all).

    There are also Linux distros targeted to mobile devices.

    You just need to pick a device that is supported when buying.

  • Good “Buy for Life” Brands
  • Doc martens are not so great quality now. The general consensus is that Solovair are the spiritual successor (in terms of quality) to what Dr Martens were. This video has more info:

    For laptops O would recommend framework laptops. The idea is that they have upgradable and repairable.modules. You can follow them on mastodon too: And we have a Lemmy community too: !

  • Looking for input regarding finding an IDE (spoilers: involves Emacs and Vim)
  • You could also consider:

    It does more than vim out if the box and it has similar but different key bindings. The key bindings are more intuitive and easier to learn in my opinion.

    It is missing a few features still (e.g.plugins) but I have been using helix for a while and it is really fun.

  • To catch a catfish To catch a catfish

    How one detective took on an international network of romance fraudsters.

    To catch a catfish
    Freeing Ourselves From The Clutches Of Big Tech Freeing Ourselves From The Clutches Of Big Tech | NOEMA

    Right to repair and other efforts to liberate technology from monopolistic corporations is a precondition for winning many vital societal battles.

    Freeing Ourselves From The Clutches Of Big Tech | NOEMA
    SnowflakeOS - Creating a GUI focused NixOS-based distro SnowflakeOS - Creating a GUI focused NixOS-based distro

    Why? In my opinion, NixOS is a great operating system and is very straightforward and stable once you learn how to use it, however for someone without knowledge about Nix or who has never heard of NixOS, it can be very confusing. I stumbled upon Nix and NixOS a bit less than a year ago, and since th...

    SnowflakeOS - Creating a GUI focused NixOS-based distro


    Github: SnowflakeOS · GitHub 247

    Discord: SnowflakeOS 29


    New single planet fantasy game from Hello Games

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    > cross-posted from:

    New single planet fantasy game from Hello Games

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    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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