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Beautiful games?

Suggest some beautiful games. Genre doesn't matter. 3d or 2d no big deal. Hyper Light Drifter, Satisfactory, Cliff Empire, etc.

Mostly I'm talking about moments in the game where you can just stand there and look at the world and not be bored.


  • Stray. There were lots of times I'd perch up high and look around at everything going on below.

  • Abzu has a few moments like that, especially towards the end where you're swimming through more and more densely packed environments.

    • Thanks! The same publisher is working on Nivalis, I'll definitely check that one out sometime.

  • Transistor - really any Supergiant game, but Transistor in particular.

  • Guild wars 2 has one of the best artstyles of any game IMO. Also very nice to just explore the world and the core game is free 2 play with a generous way to buy and keep forever without sub or mtx.

  • People already said Horizon, which is my #1 choice, but I'm surprised I didn't see anyone say Sekiro. That game is gorgeous. I'd often stop and look at the environment when I wasn't killing people lol

  • tbh my most recent one is probably Forza Horizon 5. I'm not really a "car guy" but nothing beats getting high and doing sick jumps over gorgeous natural landscapes in bodacious sports cars. Bonus points if your Ferrari has an anime girl spraypainted on the hood.

  • Dishonored 2. The city of Karnaca is beautiful imo, even despite all the dirt and bloodflies

  • Factorio, I've never had another game keep me so focused I forgot the sun would eventually come up.

    • I really dig that art style, it's sort of the logical conclusion to things like Diablo 2 or Age of Empires 2. Something about the high fidelity 2D rendering of 3D objects from an isometric perspective is so aesthetically pleasing.

      It feels more descriptive of the reality of the world and less stylized even though it's, of course, its own style.

    • I've given ~2000 hours of life to that game as well.

  • DayZ. Walking in the woods and hearing a deer in the distance or going up on a cliff and watching the sunset is quite serene.

  • This might be weird, but Just Cause 3. When I was playing it a lot, I would just stop and look around at sunset and marvel at the view.

  • Firelord is an old one but gorgeous. Chicory is pretty, in a colouring book sort of way. Child of Light and Forgotton Anne have fairly similar aesthetics but are both lovely.

    • Death's Door just a stunning game in regards to art style and music/sound design. Really creative boss battles too that never felt stale. Can be challenging.
    • Omno very chill game with a really cool vibe and music. No combat to speak of. Short though.
    • Pseudoregalia PS1-style graphics but oddly gorgeous. It's a metroidvania of sorts with some of the best movement mechanics in recent memory. Highly recommend a look at least.
    • A Short Hike really cute game that is all about exploration. As the title suggests, not a very long game. On the Switch version there was a toggle to turn off a graphics filter that is reminiscent of the 3DS. I personally liked it, but I have not checked the Steam version for the same option.
    • Sea Of Stars releases on 29 Aug, but there is a demo available. Between the gorgeous 16bit inspired graphics, the lighting effects, and the incredible soundtrack this would be an instant buy for me if it weren't hitting Game Pass on day one! I may still plunk down on a physical copy. Leaning towards Switch, assuming it plays as well there as other platforms.

    These are maybe not what some would consider beautiful, but I love the variation in art styles and how they can be beautiful while either being simplistic or retro-inspired. All but Sea Of Stars were very cheap during the Steam Summer sale or in a Fanatical bundle that may or may not still be available right now.