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Hitch a ride on the Goodyear blimp in 360 by VRtually There

  • About that thumbnail, don't worry. This video is from seven years ago. is still around. The Zeppelin NTs they use now are just technically not blimps. I just took this video last year.

    Privacy-focused people of Mbin and Lemmy, do any of the third-party YouTube viewers support spherical video? Someday I want to live stream in spherical video, but only if people can actually watch it on their own terms.

    • Privacy-focused people of Mbin and Lemmy, do any of the third-party YouTube viewers support spherical video?

      No idea, but if you put the video file up for direct download you can view spherical video in VLC. I'm not sure what the exact requirements are to make it recognize it, but I know it can do it. (I'd guess it probably just looks for a copy of whatever metadata that YT wants you to tag the video files with.)