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Reproductive rights activists resist Florida’s abortion ban Say No to Florida’s abortion ban! Fight for reproductive justice!

Sister Song, Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective issued on May 1 the statement reproduced below denouncing Florida’s six-week abortion ban which went into effect that day. Some background information is given here to explain the evolution of this repressive law and the devastating impact

Say No to Florida’s abortion ban! Fight for reproductive justice!

Across the state, reproductive rights activists have been mobilizing, marching, rallying and petitioning since the ban was first proposed. The “Rally to Stop the Six-Week Abortion Ban” drew 2,000 people to Lake Eola Park in Orlando on April 13 to kick off the “Yes on 4” campaign geared to getting passage of Amendment 4 in November.

At the same time, abortion access organizations are dispensing information about how to obtain abortifacient pills by mail, which can be administered at home – and telling abortion seekers about the nearest states that permit the procedure and their requirements. Abortion funders are scrambling to raise funds to help pregnant people travel out of state for this essential health care.

The main point is that there is organized resistance to this reactionary attack. The slogans “Abortion is health care!” and “Abortion rights are human rights!” could not be more appropriate.