Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts
Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts
Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts
you fans sure are a contentious bunch
You just made an enemy for life!
This is why I don't mind the cult of woke invading warhammer. Hopefully it scares away some of the actual Nazis because I just love painting minis and can't wait for the Misters of Battle DEI edition to drop.
Did some searching and it seems like the pushback is because Games Workshop added female characters? Am I understanding that right?
Yeah, there were a group of male supersoldiers (custodes) who were literally written originally to be a "brotherhood" in the early lore from the 90s, and always represented that way. They changed it in a lore shitty way, essentially saying there were women custodes all along and never addressing the original lore
Some folks were like "yo, write consistently, and if you wanna change something, just change it with new lore" and some folks were like "" ahhh fuck women! They could never hack it as my favorite character!!!!"
it literally doesn't matter because these supersoldiers are works of science fiction, so removed from reality that they are hand built by techno gene craft. There's nothing about the setting that would make such fiction impossible
It is a bit more nuanced than that, AFAIK they added female versions of a specific subset of human military, which for all this time were explicitly male with various lore reasons supporting that fact.
I'm not involved in the hobby myself but went on the occasional lore reading spree on the wikis, as s disclaimer. But I can understand that fans are upset about retcons such as this, where there wasn't much ambiguity in the lore to squeeze the change in, making it a pretty hard lore break
40k drama is always more complicated than that while being way dumber at the same time
Yes, pretty much.
The only time I enjoyed a toxic fan base was for the show Under the Dome. Everyone seemed to hate watch the show and it made the whole thing more fun. The toxicity had the benefit of not being about social issues and just about how the show wasn't high quality writing.
Off the top of my head, one thing people hated is that the main character hurt her leg and wore the bandage over her jeans.
Man, I should rewatch that show.
Maybe the jean was hurt too
“So bad, it’s dome.” —Was the catch phrase I remember online.
I dont play Rust anymore but I still watch rust youtubers out of a morbid fascination of how they start out fun and wholesome, then they get tired and burned out, then they become the same angry, toxic sweaties they disliked in the first place.
Im pretty sure Rust has become a sentient tulpa demon that feeds on toxic rage.
Under the Dome has always been super interesting to me because Brian K. Vaughn is one of the best comic book writers of all time and a consistent criticism of UTD is how bad the writing is. I know he didn't write many of the episodes, though, but I also wonder how his episodes rank in comparison with the others.
I kinda had a similar experience with the walking dead. While my enjoyment of the show plummeted to a point where I didn't even bother to watch the last like 3 or 4 seasons, I still regularly checked community spaces to see everyone dunk on it.
Oh yeah, I was there for that! Good times! 😂
Yeah I ran I to this with Critical Roll. Super toxic, super vocal minority of fans that made nuanced critical discussions of the show almost impossible. I don't think it's the show's fault. Rabid fans make for rabid community moderators.
It's probably a symptom of how fucked our society is. Or it's just the internet.
Srsly Wrong's latest podcast talked a lot about how oil companies funded grassroots pro oil campaigns and then linked it to our larger culture and how we can't trust anyone anymore.
I never thought I'd be able to say not trusting each other is big oils fault, but here we are
Interesting, I’ve put it on my list
Anything related to a DND live play I'm going to assume will be immediately toxic by virtue of what I understand about DND's fanbase. I love Dimension20 and I like Critical Role but I'm going to assume every other fan of the show is an insufferable idiot.
Undertale is a great game.
...too bad about the fans.
I will not touch undertale or deltarune with a 10 foot rusty pole due to my exposure to collective fanbase before either game came out. I'm sure they are fine games in their own right but the community has just mentally ruined any desire I had for them long before I would have been able to get them and try them on my own.
I'm so glad I found Portal before I interacted with that community.
I like watching Rick and Morty.
I have exactly 0 accessories, paraphernalia, or otherwise branded items in my possession that indicate that.
I feel fairly confident that most people here are aware of how childish, arrogant, and honestly just downright insufferable Rick and morty "fans" can be.
It seems like every time it comes up in conversation, and the other person is a fan, they immediately seem to launch into a tirade about how modern shows are all crap because they're stupid, not like THIS show. It's like the "you have to have a high IQ" meme just became the unironic norm for a lot of people.
It's usually fart jokes and lowest common denominator humor dressed up in Sci fi tropes. You aren't special for understanding highschool introductory phycisal science.
Futurama is arguably the same kind of show, but they know exactly what they are, and the writers actually have well educated backgrounds to make the science stuff a bit less... "VX nozzle on the turboencabulator"-esque
Idk about that, I miss my niche podcast subreddits, it's just one big quote-fest.
May I introduce you to !
Hey Tim!
TIL that the Beaver is a Tim!
My favorite was the Chapo Traphouse subreddit because the image in this post describes the hosts and their relationship with their fans. Whenever the subreddit got banned and the hosts heard about it their response was "good, that was the right choice. We fully support the admins here and their banning of that subreddit." The reddit fans were so salty.
Yeah, definitely not what I would call a niche podcast. I mean, I guess it is niche, but I also guess that when I said "niche" before, I really meant "small listenership". Then people are pretty much just always cool!
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Berserk is my favorite thing of all time. I own every volume up to 21, and 31 to 41. I make all of my first time playthroughs of souls games as a Guts-like character. I own a berserk sweatshirt, and a berserk t-shirt. Im as big of a fan as you can probably get. But man, there are some whackjob right wing psychos in that community. Most fans are fine, and you can have a normal conversation with most, but Berserk has a bad habit to draw weirdos to itself.
I really miss my podcast subreddits. It is the only part of Reddit miss.
Also almost every video game community that has official eyes on it
When they find the most minor of issues and make it literally the end of the world
Really? Brb.
Let us know how it goes! 👋
Back when I watched The Flash I got much more entertainment out of the fanbase than I did from the show itself.
I binged all of Game of Thrones to be able to laugh the memes making fun of the last season.
They don't have that stigma anymore I think, but this is me with Kingdom Hearts, played everything but 3 and never interacted with the fanbase.
Sound advice. I'll be sure not to cause self-harm by learning anything about the other people who listen to my cherished podcasts.