YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers

Video playback resumes to normal when ad blockers are disabled

YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
Video playback resumes to normal when ad blockers are disabled
I'm yet to see literally any of these things while using UBO, I almost feel like I'm being gaslighted at times.
I'm a paying YouTube premium subscriber and use adguard. But, I have been experiencing the YouTube app being slow in loading comments for some reason.
I mean, the earlier attempts google/youtube made to block adblockers by putting up a notice to turn it off, etc., were openly stated as being tested only on some users. As expected, only some users experienced that. You're just part of the more fortunate majority that isn't an unwilling guinea pig for google's attempts to force everyone to watch ads or pay premium.
There was a few weeks earlier this year I was getting ads on YouTube even with UBO. But it seems UBO has returned to its rightful place as winners of that arms race again.
While I wouldn't put it past Google/YouTube to do something as shitty as this, I think people are far too quick to assume foul play over the much more likely possibility that the world's largest video platform occasionally shits itself.
I have noticed slightly worse performance across the web in general though
Same except I watch with Freetube 99% of the time. Never once had it happen to me.
I had completely forgotten about their war on adblockers. Haven't had to play with uBlock for months.
Did you have to mess around with it at some point?
I've been Firefox with uBlock Origin for a couple years and haven't ever messed around with the settings other than turning it off for a few select websites. Haven't had any of the issues other people reported with youtube.
At the very beginning I had to switch from ABP to uBO. I actually used ABP specifically because I wanted to allow through some non-obtrusive ads, because I think it's morally right to let companies make a profit if they're not being overly obnoxious about it, and ABP's Acceptable Ads policy is great for that. Unfortunately ABP was slower to implement something to avoid YouTube's fuckery, so I switched to uBO. Google has shot themselves in the foot because now instead of a small number of ads getting through, none do.
At the very beginning of their crackdown I remember I had to update shit a few times to get rid of that 'no adblocker' screen but yeah...its been months now and youtube is perfectly normal.
I would have said the same if loading any youtube page didn’t take literally like 15 seconds
I just loaded up a video instantly with Firefox + uBlock Origin.
Google-owned YouTube succeeded in shutting down the popular third-party YouTube Vanced app back in 2022
And 4 seconds later an alternative appeared.
Somehow Nintendo was harder on litigating yuzu than Google was on vanced
Anyone who knows Nintendo's history, knows that they go super hard on litigating. Don't let the happy little mascots fool you, they're as aggressive as Disney when they think they can get away with it.
Google, on the other hand, still has some software people in their management structure.
Well they've shut down revanced for good apparently. I can't make it load videos anymore. I used to be able to just reinstall and fix it, but it can't be fixed anymore.
Cross posted to !
Is this fake alert again, like with that bug in the Adblock Plus? I didn't notice any issues.
"it's rolling out in waves!"
It's been kind of a long time for them to not have covered everyone. I suspect it's just user error, especially considering the source of these articles is always just "some dude on social media saying trust me bro."
Is this country specific? The EU has existing law in many countries that allows users to filter out ads.
That's actually just kinda hilarious ngl
"this might have been a bug"
that or they didn't like the PR so they reverted it till later
How many Youtube employees would be assigned to frontend/adblock sabotage efforts? I'm wondering whether the law of diminishing returns will be observed, or will the company have sufficient resources to maintain the shenanigans indefinitely.
If it's the latter, Youtube can rest assured my resolve will match theirs, until the damned thing gets paywalled...
It would be so interesting to see how the internet reacts to YouTube going paywalled. It would probably kill a lot of YT creators' revenue and views.
Or maybe people would pay for it, idk. Do people spend more time on YouTube than they do Disney+ or Hulu or Netflix, given YT Premium's cost?
So long as it's publicly accessible, Youtube has 'plausible credibility' when it talks to advertisers about impression numbers. Remember, we're not the only party YT fucks.
YT any% speedrun
Broadcast Yourself, if you're willing to let us slap money making machines all over your channel, and nobody can get rid of them.
Lol, not here.
The cat takes 4 months to cook their dinner. The mouse eats it in 5 mins.
Happily using UBOrigin on web and uYouplus on iOS.