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AMD Ryzen 9000 desktop series with 16, 12, 8 and 6 Zen5 core configs reportedly launches in July AMD Ryzen 9000 desktop series with 16, 12, 8 and 6 Zen5 core configs reportedly launches in July -

AMD to unveil the desktop Ryzen 9000 series next week, launch expected in July Chiphell leaker wjm47196 claims that there is no change to the core count for the new Ryzen desktop series. A new rumor comes from wjm47196, who left a cryptic message on the Chiphell forums. This leaker has provided firs...

AMD Ryzen 9000 desktop series with 16, 12, 8 and 6 Zen5 core configs reportedly launches in July -
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The original was posted on /r/pcmasterrace by /u/RenatsMC on 2024-05-28 05:33:40+00:00.