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  • The older I get the more injustice I see the angrier I get. The only difference between now and my twenties is I know who to direct my rage at and it burns hotter then ever.

  • 41, stable finances, kid, decent job, and still BETTER DEAD THAN RED!

    And just to be 100% clear, since I know that phrase meant something completely different 50 years ago, Republicans can get ass-fucked with a spoon

  • You become conservative when you lose ability to adapt and learn, thereby yearning for the days when you were you were younger and, as you mostly falsely remember, "times were simpler", which is a delusion caused by the different lifestyle and world perception you used to have. Now you're just older and scared because you forgot to keep up with the times.

  • Photo is replaceable by mine, hunched over the laptop when the Internet is down. Text in the Photo the same.