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  • You know, even as a lifelong technology nerd I have never actually meaningfully given a fuck about the thickness or lack thereof of any device's bezels. What a worthless thing to get worked up about.

    As a matter of fact, this can be (and has been) taken so far that it actually becomes a functional detriment. For instance, on the Moto G Power I just bought the touchable areas of the screen are so close to the physical edges and corners of the device that I frequently find the heel of my hand taps the shift key on the on screen keyboard unintentionally. It's actually rather annoying.

    I think the way the old Sharp Aquos Crystal did it is probably the best way if you absolutely must have maniacally tiny bezels to put as a bullet point on the spec sheet -- That phone had basically no bezels top, left, and right but had a deliberate chin on the bottom to not only house the microphone and stereo speakers and front camera and all, but also give you a place to hold the damn thing.

    • I still want a Sharp Zaurus as a phone, slide down keyboard and all.

  • Why would I want a phone that's even harder to hold?

    • Apple: "Hold my beer"

      But seriously, I still haven't forgiven them for moving the sleep/wake button from the logical location where it was on the top, to the upper right side, the ONE place on the phone that guarantees you will be hitting it accidentally the maximum number of times.