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So, what are you excited for, and what worries you about Starfield?

I can't wait to build my own starship. Actually, that's one thing that I'm both excited about and worries me.

I mean, back in the days, playing Kingdom Hearts, I spent more time building / improving my Gummy ship than playing the actual game. Many dozens of hours. So I'm kind of excited, and I hope I won't go too far into that rabbit hole with Starfield.

Also, with a game of this scale, sometimes I end up getting tired of all the sidequests, things to visit on the map, etc. I mean, after 120 hours I kinda need closure. But that's mainly when all that's left doing is redundant (think Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy...).

So I hope building and improving the spaceship is fun and that I don't get tired of playing.

What about you?

  • I spent so many hours building the bases in Fallout 4, especially once the mods got going!

    So I'm looking forward to that, but I'm worried that the npc pathing will be bad again. They never used half the stuff I built cos they couldn't find their way up stairs and things very well.

  • I'm actually a little worried about the ship building precisely because it's modular. There are a lot of cool ship designs that are only possible as one cohesive ship design.

    For example, imagine trying to remake the SR1 Normandy. It'll simply never be able to look that smooth because you'll be forced to use modular little bits to make it up. A lot of ship designs will be possible, I'm sure, but I think the general aesthetic of everything will hit a hard limit.

    I'm also worried about planet generation. From what we've seen there's not a huge variation in the verticality of planets or of bodies of water on those planets.

    Lastly, I'm worried about the depth of the space sim elements. I know it's not really going to be a space sim what with the announcement that the economy is static, but I'd really hope for a good trading experience and space mining with some degree of depth in terms of weapons and modules that spec your ship for it.

    I'm excited to see the different weapons and how we can modify them and to see if the looting and weapon/armor modification can be as addicting as FO4'S was for me.

  • Fallout is my all time favourite franchise because of the setting - even interpreted by different developers over the years it still draws me in. I enjoy Skyrim less so because the setting is just a little more vanilla fantasy. So my worry is that Starfield is just vanilla SF without any of the quirkiness, character, or personality that makes me love Fallout.