Most cops hate even being charged for their coffee, they expect it to be given to them freely. That’s just how Mafia-style racketeering organizations sponsored by the government are. But this is even ballsier than charging them for coffee— I think it’s awesome, good for them! At the very least now they can know better than to bother calling 911 if they’re being robbed. I also kinda fully expect this place to burn down under mysterious circumstances. Just one of those things. You know.
Despite the absolute lie told by the cops... "tHeY rEfUsE tO sErVe UnIfOrMeD PePpl"... the reality is that they've decided not to allow firearms. Whatever your stance on guns, that's entirely reasonable and entirely within their rights as a private business.
Anyone who lacks the sense to differentiate between "no guns" and "no cops" has no business carrying a tactical banana, much less a tool that can kill people dead with a quick finger twitch.
I mean, I'm not against properly trained people having access / the right to carry firearms. Having said that, I'd probably ban them from my business too, as I don't need the risk of someone getting shot by mistake (or on purpose.)