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  • In short, open source APIs for everything.

    1. Open up Facebook Messenger to Matrix, allowing interoperability with all Matrix clients
    2. Open up Facebook/Instagram to ActivityPub, allowing for third party clients
    3. Remove account gates for public Facebook/Instagram pages
    4. RSS feeds for public Facebook/Instagram pages
  • I would spin off the events and community pages parts into a separate app and close Facebook. I don't care what people I went to school with are doing or what their kid is up to.

    I would also stop the massive data hoarding and go back to basics. Keep what's necessary only.

    • Same! Only reason I still use it is for Community events, and neighbour groups. Super useful for that. Wish there was a way to do that without being peppered by ads and reels.

      Marketplace is a Kijiji replica so it could die with little consequence IMO.

  • Just to see it crumble to pieces, I would have any means to report anything and block people/posts on fakebook removed whilst allowing any and all speech (including hate speech) to be spread just so that way there is a mass collapse in user base. Also, make the ads 100 times more intrusive.

    As it crumbles, I'd just watch from atop my high horse and constantly blame everyone else who isn't me or working for me for my problems and the failures of the company in a very top 1% fashion, on the platform of course.

    When it finally crumbles and if the media asks what went wrong, I'll just say I was following the google approach and blame them while using prepared 100% AI faked evidence to try and prove I was in contact with higher ups with google and getting advice from them, even down to faking actual calls.

    Finally, assuming I have any money stored away from all of this, I'd use it to jumpstart my aggressive anti-communist agenda.

  • Randomly select one of them and sell it, then try to turn all the others into federated apps before making them open source