I believe the folder you are attempting to refer to is for all users so you probably do want to have the config in ~/.config unless you want everyone to have the same.
Also /home is the directory that includes all users respective ~/ directories so use ~/ when referring to your own home directory.
Edit I can't figure out the formatting. My client is showing <sub> where ~ should be.
.hidden file became my best friend - and a little context menu script for dolphin to easily add a file / folder to that .hidden is a thing i use way too often tbh
SO MUCH. Now my standard procedure is to just make a "_My_Documents" folder within Documents, so I can know where the files are that I put there myself.
(Leading underscore pops it to the top of the list alphabetically)
I remember some Windows versions had a Games folder for all that, saved games, etc...but it seems very few games actually decided to use it lol.