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Is Ring-MQTT down for anyone else today?

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/morbidlyobesepenguin on 2024-06-18 16:53:44+00:00.

API seems to be having issues, starting at 10:56 CDT.

2024-06-18T16:37:58.481Z ring-mqtt Starting Device Discovery...
2024-06-18T16:37:58.481Z ring-mqtt                                                                                           
2024-06-18T16:37:58.481Z ring-mqtt New location: REDACTED (REDACTED)
2024-06-18T16:37:58.727Z ring-mqtt WARNING - Unhandled Promise Rejection
2024-06-18T16:37:58.727Z ring-mqtt Response code 500 (Server Error)
2024-06-18T16:37:58.727Z ring-mqtt HTTPError: Response code 500 (Server Error)
    at Request. (/app/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js:118:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
2024-06-18T16:45:17.497Z ring-mqtt Home Assistant state topic homeassistant/status received message: offline

edit: If you absolutely cannot wait for a fix to be pushed, you can modify the addon's docker image as follows to restore functionality. Don't forget to commit the docker image when you're done.

Modify /app/ring-mqtt/node_modules/ring-client-api/lib/rest-client.js in vi once you've accessed the docker image and change "appApiBaseUrl = ''" to "appApiBaseUrl = ''" on line 22. It appears to fix the problem.