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My first HA disaster My first HA disaster

As a Home assistant noob, after a few weeks I have been strutting with a swagger around the house with Z2m and 52 connected devices set up, and...

My first HA disaster
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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/Bod1173 on 2024-06-19 00:13:29+00:00.

As a Home assistant noob, after a few weeks I have been strutting with a swagger around the house with Z2m and 52 connected devices set up, and thinking I'm the main man. 🙄

That all came to a crash and burn this evening when I talked the wife into getting the aqara E1 blind motor for her very expensive velvet Roman bedroom blind. 'Just go downstairs and make a brew, I'll be 5 minutes' I said.

5 minutes later with all the blind ripped down, all the strings snapped, me stood there shitting myself.....

Could I stop the bastard as it was going up, could I balls, no idea why, all I know is its cost me at least 400 quid, as she now wants it replaced and not me dismantling it to try to repair.

A frosty evening ensued.