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New House Overwhelm

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/code_to_bet on 2024-06-19 14:45:51+00:00.

My wife and I just purchased a house and I'm excited to make it a "Smart Home". We've lived in a small condo for the past few years so I have been able to get away with just having various smart plugs that I would control with alexa.

I stumbled upon Home Assistant in my research for the best way to create a smart home. Some of the solutions you all have is truly unbelievable to me and far beyond what I thought I could do.

The issue is that I am pretty tech savy but HA seems like a whole other level. I am going to study these forums the next few months but I don't think my knowledge will be up to par by the time we move in so my question is two part.

  1. Security is my biggest concern and I want that day 1. Can I just pay for Ring or Simplisafe then later connect it with HA when I'm ready? Is there a better solution to use for cameras and sensors for the time being that I can later connect with HA?
  2. If I get the HA Green is that relatively simple to set up for a complete newbie with no coding experience?