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Zigbee network not as stable as it was....

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/BadMadScientist on 2024-06-20 00:40:21+00:00.

Hello, hopefully a simple question.

I have about 30 zigbee devices, and growing weekly; when I first set it up it was likely 8 devices.

My coordinator is SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 - my HA is inside a virtualbox; i have 5 HUE bulbs, a handful of sengled bulbs (non repeater) and close to 20 ThirdReality power monitoring plugs. The coordinator is in the middle of the house, on the middle floor; it's connected back to the main server via a powered USB hub (10' cable from server to USB hub, 6' cable from hub to coordinator).

My zigbee network is on channel 25.

I have two other wifi networks - one for home use (tp-link X55 mesh, channel 10 & 36, and an IOT orbi mesh (1 main, 1 sat) on channel 6 (5ghz is switched off). I also have a LoRa network (YoSmart / YoLink) with 62 devices on that network.

My question is, as the zigbee network grows, does the routing change to utilize newer nearer router power outlets? My network is getting laggy in some areas, and a couple of the bulbs are very laggy, with some "undelivered" messages in the HA log. Some days, two of the lamps will stop responding for a while, then catch up a couple of minutes later (so if you turn it on & off five times, and it does nothing, when it does catch up it will go on & off five times quickly).

Any ideas on what I can try to stablize the zigbee network?

my current zigbee network.