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New Favorite Automation

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/longunmin on 2024-06-20 18:06:09+00:00.

Ok, I did something (in my mind) dope as hell.

My new favorite automation. I have a camera in my kitchen, along with a esppresence.

Using combination of those sensors and time filters, I'm able to tell the first time I come into the kitchen for the day.

Which is cool, because now earlier in the morning, I run RSS feeds and weather through Ollama to create a daily briefing and I cache it and the TTS.

So as soon as I enter the kitchen for the first time in the morning, I have my daily news briefing read to me in the voice of Jarvis. Automatically, without the need for any voice commands or prompts. Gives me the news and weather, and then provides any reminders for weather based needs (i.e. "looks like rain, don't forget to bring an umbrella sir")

I just think that's neat