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Would a Coral AI accelerator work in the WiFi slot of my N100 mini PC?

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/Nickduino on 2024-06-21 12:07:17+00:00.

It's a Chinese generic (the listing says Topton but...) fanless N100 that comes with no manual, no spec sheet or anything of that sort.

Here is a pic of its guts:

I think it's a 2230 M.2 slot with an E key, my hope is that it is compatible with the $25 M.2 Accelerator A+E key. But the slot is called "WiFi1" specifically, not "M.2 PCIe". Is there a risk of a bad surprise there? Like it's not connected to a PCIe line but to a sub-chipset that handles network connectivity directly or something?

Does it show that I have no idea what I'm talking about? 😅