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Day 15 - An alternative song you like that's a COVER of another artist. -- WITH YOUTUBE PLAYLIST!

DAY 14 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, alternative music styles!

Who doesn't love a cover song??? Especially when it's BETTER than the original?

This one should be real good today - time to fire up the Spotify! Can not WAIT to see what y'all got. The hard part is picking just one or two!

UPDATE - Started a Youtube Playlist of your picks!!

Each day I’ll post the challenge and you share some of your favorite alternative & indie songs that meet the challenge!

  • Mike Ness - Don't Think Twice

    Now look, I love the original. Freewheelin' is a great album and Don't Think Twice is a fantastic song. But 9 times out of 10, I'm choosing the Ness version because musically it matches the mood of the lyrics so much better.

  • It's hard to beat Big Black's version "The Model" in this regard, but award for the most esoteric would have to be Atom and His Package covering The Mountain Goats "Going to Georgia", both great and totally different songs.