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Music Piracy Is Back in a Big Way
  • That surprises me, but I suppose it had to work for some listeners or they wouldn't have gotten it past testing. I have even tried clearing my listen history and starting over - still comes up with country and (going to clarify) 'metal' . I like rock and alternative and some forms of pop, as well as a bit of hip hop. cannot fathom why it suggests what it does.

  • Music Piracy Is Back in a Big Way
  • I know this does not make me look good - but I am a YouTube Premium subscriber. I had Spotify, but they jacked up their family plan rate, and it was only a few bucks cheaper than Premium, then I got the ad-free (without adblockers). I mostly did it to help my kids avoid the toxic ads that are littered into the kid content. The main reason I stick with some of this stuff is for the discovery. Pandora was great, Spotify is ok.

    Regardless - the smart playlists, and AI stuff on YouTube music is AWFUL. I cannot put into words how bad it is. Spotify got it right about 1/4-1/2 of the time. YouTube, maybe 1/100. Constantly recommending a country, which I cannot stand. When it isn't doing country, it recommends hard rock/metal which I also do not listen to. I feel like I need a new way to find music, then I could sever ties with all these trashy subscriptions.

  • 63829047
  • Worked in retail many moons ago. Back when organic was just becoming a thing. I can tell you one thing.: A lot of people were getting a deal on organic food -because cashiers would just key in the code for non-organic. The lines were too long, and you look foolish looking things up in the "book" haha.

  • I wanna be a Xitter Idiot
  • It's funny to me...I didn't say they were bad, I didn't say I didn't like them, I didn't say anything except for that they clearly took their music in a more in your face, political direction. That's fine, I support them making that choice. I get that punk is inherently political, and that most music has hints of it. When I started listening, when 1039 came out - I was too young to understand what the music was about. Then came kerplunk and dookie. Dookie has many songs that are just about boredom, wasting time, or girls. Same thing for Insomniac and Nimrod. You cannot argue that EVERY song on those albums was political, it's just not true. They became a pop-punk alternative band. That's great, they still make great music, I just choose other styles and genres. Downvotes aren't hurting me, but it seems excessive for sharing my thoughts.

    For the record, I was a ride or die fan in the 90's. 5 shows, one of them I waited by the outdoor stage for 3 hours to get a good spot. I had my art featured on the earliest version of their website, back in the AOL days. I still love the music I grew up with. Bands style, peoples preferences change...I just don't want to think about the broken world when I listen to music anymore.

  • I wanna be a Xitter Idiot
  • It's funny - I agree with Green Day in most ways politically, but stopped listening after American Idiot because so much of their music was blatantly political. That's what they were going for, it is CLEAR and OBVIOUS to anyone listening to their music, where they stand. I am all for it, I would just rather be escaping the world's issues while listening to music :)

  • [Solved: wet filament] Help me identify the problem: wet filament, bad z-height, or clogged nozzle?
  • I forgot until looking at your photo that the mini uses a Bowden tube, not direct drive like the MK3S+. Did you replace/switch the nozzle around the time this all started happening? With Bowden tubes, there are a few problems that can arise that you don't see on direct drive. The end of the Bowden tube (that is inside the extruder/hote end assembly) can get deformed or clogged. If you can check that, you may find an issue. Other than that, when swapping nozzles I always had to put the nozzle in part of the way, then push the Bowden in further, then tighten the nozzle.

  • [Solved: wet filament] Help me identify the problem: wet filament, bad z-height, or clogged nozzle?
  • My money would be a clogged nozzle. But a better photo (close up) may be helpful. Things I wonder...

    Does the filament come out and curl back up during preheat?

    Is your heat block messy with residue?

    Have you tried a cold pull, or pulling the nozzle and cleaning/replacing it?

  • I was able to completely migrate from Fusion 360 To FreeCAD
  • When I first started working with 3d modelling (for 3d printed parts), I followed everyone's advice and got a trial of Fusion. Luckily, I didn't use it much and when I came back to it, my trial was over. I did not want to use a hobbyist license, just to have things change - so went looking for FOSS alternatives. OpenScad made my brain hurt, but then I found FreeCAD. Definately hard to learn, and for someone new to CAD design - I am learning very slowly.

    I watched a ton of videos, but still struggle. My saving grace was that I found the official discord. The users on the discord server can be super helpful with learing the nuance of the platform. Several times I posted a file and askded for help and had an answer within an hour. In fact, I just submitted a screenshot of my sketch with dimensions and someone went ot the trouble of recreating it and fixing my I recommend you join the server if you are struggling. Link below:

  • How?
  • Yes and on some printers, that spot where the Bowden tube meets the nozzle is very problematic. You have to loosen the nozzle a bit, push the Bowden tub up against it, then tighten the nozzle the rest of the way

    It was awful on my Ender clone, but haven't had that issue on my Prusa.

  • Finally got around to trying a .6 nozzle.

    I have always wanted to try printing larger, using a bigger nozzle - just got around to swapping to a .6mm in my MK3S+. Printed a gift for a childhood friend. 300% size. Took just under 10 hrs. With the slicer settings on .4mm it was over 17hrs.

    Difference between block and filter?

    If I block a community, just for example - say I wanted to block Would I use "filter" or "block?" I am having a hard time discerning the two.

    I get that blocking something like would block the users comments and such as well.

    Rewards missing from Payday 2

    I claimed my rewards via starbreeze nebula, and I got the skin, the old faithful gun and they all showed up in game...but none of the charms show up. I had completed all heists in PD2 on Deathwish. But none of the 3 charms show in game. Are other people having gris issue?

    Also, pet peeves, the mask you get via the reward doesn't have an icon when adding it to your loadout

    Wild theory about the temperature sensor on the Pixel 8 Pro

    Ever since the Pixel 8 was announced I couldn't wrap my brain around why they invested money putting a temperature sensor on the device. The functions that keep touting, like checking the temperature of your food or your just didn't add up. So here is my wacky theory.

    I truly wonder if there is a bigger plan at play. Just think about Google Maps. The GPS and accelerometer help the phone determine speed, direction, etc. It can detect crashes based on acceleration and deceleration. It can crowd source traffic. I am wondering if that type of data collection is something they are going to try with this temp sensor. Crowd-sourced, live, real-time outside air temps of areas, fire detection, warnings for heat exhaustion risk, they can potentially link it to Nest themrostats (like the nest temp sensors) to help automate your heating/cooling. Maybe they can find some other useful ways to farm our data. Not saying I am for or against this - I would probably turn off the permissions, but food for thought.

    Payday 3 preorder discounts @ Fanatical ($74/58/33 + free game) PAYDAY 3 - Gold Edition | PC Steam Game | Fanatical

    PAYDAY 3 is the much anticipated sequel to one of the most...

    PAYDAY 3 - Gold Edition | PC Steam Game | Fanatical has all three versions of Payday 3 available at 17% off. Gold is $74.69, Silver is $58.09, standard is $33.19.

    You also get 1 "Fanatical Highly Rated Free Game" and $5 off your next order.

    "open betas"

    I am talking to you, Blizzard (MWIII)

    My 3070 cannot seem to run SDXL

    I have been running 1.4, 1.5, 2 without issue - but everytime I try to run SDXL 1.0 (via Invoke, or Auto1111) it will not load the checkpoint.

    I have the official hugging face version of the checkpoint, refiner, lora offset and VAE. They are all named properly to match how they need to. They are all in the appropriate folders. When I pick the model to load, it tries for about 20 seconds, then pops a super long error in the python instance and defaults to the last model I loaded. Oddly, it loads the refiner without issue.

    Is this a case of my 8gb vram just not being enough? I have tried with the no-half/full precision arguments.

    Pro Tip: Bypass news paywalls using the new "Reading Mode" app by Google Reading mode - Apps on Google Play

    Reading mode helps you with difficult to read text.

    Reading mode - Apps on Google Play

    I am sure this wasn't the intended use - but I discovered a useful trick on Android.

    Just recently, Google released a Reading Mode app that takes text and removes the clutter, images, etc - and allows you to read in a high contrast easy to view format. There are options on how to toggle it on, but I chose to use the hold volume up/down at the same time.

    I was viewing a local paywalled newspaper, and had surpassed my 3 free articles/month. For the heck of it, while the popup blocked me from reading it, I tried the reading mode shortcut. It pulled in all the text and I was able to read the entire story. I then tried another news site and it worked the same way. I even tried some of the big new sites like the Washington Post - and it worked.

    I am sure its a bit dependent on how the website is built, but its worth a try if you find yourself running into those paywalls. You lose the photos, but its worth it.

    Today I learned Thanks4Nothing
    [TIL] Lobster's have two bladders that are located beneath their brain. They release urine to communicate with each other. How Do Lobsters Communicate? The Truth Will Gross You Out!

    How do lobsters communicate? Chances are the answer will surprise you and also gross you out. Learn the nasty way that lobsters hang out!

    How Do Lobsters Communicate? The Truth Will Gross You Out!
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