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Late Stage Anglo-American Empire

If you have to take your best guess, when do you think that the socialist revolution will happen in the USA? Please explain the reasoning behind your guess.

  • I don't think the US, as a united entity, will have a revolution anytime soon. I van imagine in my lifetime the union's dissolution and the respective states/new federation that spring out of its corpse to go through a range of different political crisis. The chance of one these states undergoing a socialist revolution is plausible in my opinion but not something that can be determined without an understanding of that political crisis. It's unlikely that the entire area that was known as the USA will all become socialist until after our lifetimes.

    Although I could be wrong and underestimating the accelerating pace that revolutions often take. I mean I'd say predicting the Russian empire's would have a revolution when it did was only really feasible a few years before it happened (Perhaps sooner). What I can say is that the US communist movement is at the moment still too disorganized and unsupported to take advantage of the current crises. Maybe within a decade we will have finally gotten our shit together, (and I truly hope we do and will work towards that future), but we won't know the capability of waging a revolutionary struggle until the moment is fast approaching.

  • The most semi realistic scenario I see is the US getting weakened after losing a decisive confrontation to Russia/China, with black nationalists and other dissenters then forming a separate socialist nation from within the USA somewhat like Malcolm X envisioned.