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Rare China L.
  • (as far as I can tell, she’s not living in China currently, and is some 1st gen Chinese Canadian YA author who writes Chinese history-inspired fantasy/SF)

    Not living there currently. She They was born and spent their childhood there and speaks the language natively.

  • ‘The time is right’ for US to catch up on high-speed rail, says British Amtrak exec
  • He gives lots of reasons, but if one of them isn't "oil-producing countries are starting to escape US hegemony and your gas-guzzling motor industry is on borrowed time" then I don't think he's really appealing to the US government's interests.

  • Julian Assange is free
  • It's hard to believe. But it's easy to believe the lack of attention this news is getting

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • Or it's a glimpse at Rom's Dengist arc

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • The kicker is that Rom eventually becomes Grand Nagus and starts transforming Ferengi society.

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • The new HBO The Last Of Us series for example has this scene,

    I love that scene. It's so authentic: hearing a white American describe his successful living arrangement as literal communism but saying it's not communism, and a black American correcting him. 100 years of Red Scare and minority struggle captured in a few lines of dialogue.

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • Start learning Chinese, you'll find it useful when you get to the end of that pipeline.

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • Church and State will still be seperated; they're just doing a little gerrymandering. Education is church now.

  • Looking for a TTRPG recommendation for absolute beginners
  • I recommend Dungeon World for the following reasons:

    • Zero prep. Whoever's going to be the GM doesn't need to spend hours on planning. There's also shared world building, instead of the players just creating their characters and the GM being responsible for everything else.

    • It has few rules, but they're important. New players playing dungeon world tend to quickly pick up on how the game is delivering structured creativity, and once they collectively have that understanding you're in a good place to experiment with other systems or homebrew variations on Dungeon World.

    • It has low material demands. Pencil, paper, 6-sided dice. A browser window with tabs for everyone's character sheets in Google Docs will work, but you don't even need that.

    • There's a bunch of other themes under the 'Powered By The Apocalypse' system that you can easily switch to.

  • Pick 1. You will receive a stack of 100 pills
  • The pill's effect works on the coffee, not the teacher, and the bewildered teacher is wondering why his coffee sets off his hayfever

  • Pick 1. You will receive a stack of 100 pills
  • Where I live it's both in person and over internet. I can show a QR code to my pharmacist and if I'm too old to know what a QR code is or if my phone is dead I can show the paper prescription or give them my ID

  • Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid
  • That's not just research, molten salt heliostats are in active use already.

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • How'd that work out for Australia and Gough Whitlam trying to close Pine Gap?

  • China's Xi accused the US of trying to trick him into invading Taiwan, but said he won't take the bait
  • It doesn't matter what the people outside China think. The people inside China - on both sides of the Taiwan strait - think Taiwan is part of China. They all call themselves Chinese except the tiny minority that speak with American accents. There are indigenous ethnic minorities on Taiwan whose ancestors were not part of China, but they didn't call themselves 'Taiwan' because that's a Chinese word.

  • Any fellow black coffee drinkers here? What made you come over to the dark side (pun intended)?
  • It depends on my mood.

    Black coffee when I'm about to start something I enjoy.

    Latté when I've just finished something I don't enjoy.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • Comrade, that amount of humidity is normal in many parts of the world.

    The British have colonized parts of the world where people work in these conditions on the daily, but they didn't take any knowledge of how to live and work comfortably in this kind of heat back home with them because the British solution was "make the locals do it", hence the Schadenfreude.

  • I too love spreading bacterial and fungal infections.
  • And they're auxiliary to the functional areas of the hospital, where keeping facilities and the spaces between them sterile and well-lit is just basic hygiene practice.

    Dedicated garden areas are great. They improve the well-being of in-patients and staff who enjoy them and people who can't or shouldn't use them don't get forced to.

  • I too love spreading bacterial and fungal infections.
  • And that still won't help the patients and staff with severe pollen allergies. Get your chest stitched back together after invasive heart surgery and then blow it back open again with a sneezing fit on the way back to your ward.

  • Ballad of the TikTok Ban Take 2 Ballad of the TikTok Ban Take 2

    I wrote this song about a year ago while on tour in Australia, and then promptly forgot about it. But now that banning TikTok is back in the news with a vengeance, I revised "Ballad of the TikTok Ban" a bit, and made a slightly better recording of it this morning in my living room studio.

    Ballad of the TikTok Ban Take 2

    David Rovics moving quickly again

    Still a little annoyed that some folk here think Galloway's position on Gaza is opportunist. Here's him speaking more than a decade ago.

    When you decide if he gets your critical support, the transphobia accusation is 100% legit.

    But the stuff I hear about him not being socialist, grifting, opportunism... the man has held the same positions on Western Imperialism and worker's rights consistently since the 70s. Demonstrably so. Loudly so.

    Slides from a Lecture about 1 Country 2 Systems and the HK National Security Law

    This was a lecture given to foreign teachers, in English, by Miriam Lau - former member of the Legislative Council (Hong Kong's legislative branch of government) and former member of the National People's Congress.

    The context of this lecture is that teachers in Hong Kong must now pass an exam showing sufficient understanding of the National Security Laws and its implementation, in order to apply for new jobs.

    Note that Miriam Lau is not a Marxist-Leninist or Communist. She's a Pro-Beijing Conservative Liberal, and a solicitor (although there were a lot of snarky liberals in the audience that had no idea who she was and just assumed she was a Commie). However, there's a lot of useful information here for debunking the accusations libs make that the NSL destroys Hong Kong's freedoms.

    One thing I learned from this lecture is that the Court of Final Appeal (HK's highest court) has the power of final adjudication in HK. You can't take your case to a higher court after the CFA makes a ruling. It's like if California didn't answer to the Supreme Court, had its own "Supreme Court of California" instead, and didn't have any nationality requirements for its judges apart from the Chief Justice, with most of the judges being foreigners. Compare that to any autonomous territory in any other country.

    Part 1 - The Constitution, The Basic Law, and One Country Two Systems

    Part 2 - National Security Law

    The latest episode of Strange New Worlds has a character (rather loudly) describe the Federation as Socialist


    Just sharing this info because it feels good to see it acknowledged.

    edit: removed a spoiler because apparently the spoiler tags don't hide the text when the post appears in lists

    Nury Vittachi - if you need more positivity/uplifting in your internet feed, meet this guy.

    He started out as a comedian and satirical columnist in Hong Kong. As tensions in the city rose in 2019 he became outspokenly pro-China, pro-Socialism and pro-Community, and still managed to keep a cheerful, humorous vibe in all his work.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Munrock
    Communist Manifesto written in the Philippines

    Unfortunately it didn't spawn Marx or Engels :( I think I triggered it too late. Or just unlucky.

    Klingons In The Based Universe (turn sound on) Klingon Leninade

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users.

    Klingon Leninade

    I have the original project file for this if anyone wants to improve the subtitles

    Churchill and Stalin's quotes about how history will remember them go alarmingly well together.

    > History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.

    • Churchill

    > I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy.

    • Stalin

    I've known of both of these quotes for some time but it never occured to me how much they complement one another.

    We've seen the truth steadily eroding Churchill's reputation as his conduct during the Bengal famine (among so many other things) becomes more mainstream knowledge.

    Cathartic to see it happening.

    Munrock Munrock

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