Arch+KDE Plasma is simply the best desktop experience I ever had
Everforest Dark Medium
Something fresh
, with some '90s UNIX CDE flair
My comfy, if unusual, setup.
It's hip to be square(ish)
I themed my entire pc to be steam-green because I can
Everforest KNOME
Black/White and light
Trying some neon stuff ✨
[Sway][MATE][Aqua][Openbox] My five desktops, across four laptops
Basic Light(ly) Setup
Let's use these applets
I can't believe it's not Windows 11!
A Nordic Rice Because Why Not.
Okay, I might have loved 5.21 Breeze's little red circle on the close button too much
"I Can't Believe It's Not Windows!"
Comfy Gruvbox setup