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cooking Cooking

Do I cook Daal with a lid on?

cooking Cooking

Deep dish pizza recipes?

cooking Cooking

What can replace onions and garlic?

cooking Cooking

Ideas for sour cabbage?

cooking Cooking

your favourite yummly alternatives?

cooking Cooking

What can I do with several pounds of oranges?

cooking Cooking

what's good recipes or ideas for someone who is extremely poor and rarely can't buy much but potatoes

cooking Cooking

How would I clean an air-fryer?

cooking Cooking

When making soups, exactly how important is it to cover the pot?

cooking Cooking

Does non-alcoholic wine work as well as regular wine as an ingredient and pan deglazer?

cooking Cooking

Do you think it's better to try cooking new recipes when you're hungry, or after you've had something to eat instead?

cooking Cooking

How would I substitute fresh fruit and vegetables in a recipe with frozen equivalents?

cooking Cooking

How would I prevent a pressure cooker from exploding?

cooking Cooking

For pasta sauces, is it best to use fresh tomatoes or canned?

cooking Cooking

What are you favorite preps/hacks/tricks/recipes involving a freezer?

cooking Cooking

Recipes for 12 egg YOLKS?

cooking Cooking

"Baking in the American South" - what to make first?

cooking Cooking

How long can you store potatoes before they begin to mold?

cooking Cooking

What is a food that is savory, sour and with a hard consistence?

cooking Cooking

What are some of your favorite spicy/super flavorful dishes?