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Chief O'Brien at Work #31 - Forget Me Not
  • Counterpoint: he told Wesley to shut it.

  • Chief O'Brien at Work #31 - Forget Me Not
  • Right? Who does Mike think he is calling Picard out of the blue without even a text message first?

  • One Issue 'Christian' Voters
  • Unless it reinforces their reactionary beliefs.

  • China covered up sinking of newest submarine: US official
  • Isn't sinking what submarines are built for?

  • Despite warnings, Texas rushed to remove millions from Medicaid. Eligible residents lost care.
  • I have a friend with a daughter here in Texas who has a genetic disorder that causes serious developmental delays and seizures.

    Her kid was kicked off of Medicaid last year despite being eligible, and it took months to get reinstated. She had to pay for OT, PT, GP, and drugs out of pocket in the meantime, which she couldn't really afford, because she stays home full time to care for her daughter.

    Fuck every Republican right in their ear.

  • Judge lets over 8,000 Catholic employers deny worker protections for abortion and fertility care
  • The Catholic Church thinks they own their employees.

    When I was promised a cyberpunk dystopia, I was hoping it at least wouldn't be the theocratic kind.

  • Women in STEM
  • Don't forget Mary Anning!

    Anning searched for fossils in the area's Blue Lias and Charmouth Mudstone cliffs, particularly during the winter months when landslides exposed new fossils that had to be collected quickly before they were lost to the sea. Her discoveries included the first correctly identified ichthyosaur skeleton when she was twelve years old; the first two nearly complete plesiosaur skeletons; the first pterosaur skeleton located outside Germany; and fish fossils. Her observations played a key role in the discovery that coprolites, known as bezoar stones at the time, were fossilised faeces, and she also discovered that belemnite fossils contained fossilised ink sacs like those of modern cephalopods.

    Anning struggled financially for much of her life. As a woman, she was not eligible to join the Geological Society of London, and she did not always receive full credit for her scientific contributions. However, her friend, geologist Henry De la Beche, who painted Duria Antiquior, the first widely circulated pictorial representation of a scene from prehistoric life derived from fossil reconstructions, based it largely on fossils Anning had found and sold prints of it for her benefit.

  • Texas AG Ken Paxton files suit against Biden administration for classifying West Texas lizard as endangered
  • The only endangered lizard he cares about is Ted Cruz after the latest poll numbers came out.

  • Sam Elliott's Cussing In Folksy Ad May Make You Giddyup To Vote For Harris
  • Great point! What an embarrassing oversight. I should have also mentioned the statesmanlike gravitas that Hulk Hogan brought when he endorsed Trump, too.

  • Sam Elliott's Cussing In Folksy Ad May Make You Giddyup To Vote For Harris
  • Cool. So they cancel each other out then?

    I do understand why a pants-shitting pedophile is voting for Donald Trump. They have so much in common!

  • Sam Elliott's Cussing In Folksy Ad May Make You Giddyup To Vote For Harris
  • Right, he's not even an A-lister like Kevin Sorbo or Ted Nugent.

    I'm sure you said the same about sorbet and the pants-shitting pedophile, right?

  • MAGA sheriff’s post about Harris yard signs gets Department booted from election duties
  • "Don't be a fascist" police challenge (impossible)

  • Texas court dismisses Ken Paxton's lawsuit against Bexar County
  • Fortunately, it seems like it'll be irrelevant this cycle:

    Judge Arteaga ruled Paxton’s suit was moot, because the county had already sent out the voter registration forms, The Texas Tribune reported.

  • Harris closes trust gap with Trump on the economy
  • One of the geniuses in /conservative kept trying to say that Trump never declared bankruptcy; it was his businesses that were bankrupt.

    It's almost hilarious how far they'll stretch to defend Donny Dipshit.

  • UFO 50 Release Trailer

    I picked this up yesterday and checked out a few games in the collection. What I've played so far has been a blast.

    Punch or May Day- Benjamin Robert Haydon, oil on canvas (1829)

    > The canvas is filled with multiple mini-scenes including a Punch and Judy, the coach of a newly married couple, and a funeral procession. In the background on the right is St Marylebone Church.

    I'm pet-sitting this lil girl
  • I'm sure it's nothing personal.

  • Republicans don't love their country, they just love their control of it
  • Reactionary ideology means they feel entitled to be in charge. They genuinely believe that they should have more privilege than others solely because of their identity as a white person or a Christian, or a man but most often a combination of the three.

    Their whole motivation is that they believe the country is being stolen from them, who are it's rightful rulers.

    They will do anything it takes to retain their privilege to tell you what to do. They're desperate due to the energy and demographics on the left rising to a level we haven't seen in decades; they don't intend to lose even if it means violence and/or overthrowing the government.

  • LV 137: Coast scene with a battle on a bridge- Claude Lorrain, ink and watercolor wash on paper (c. 1655)

    Here is the painting that was based off the drawing, but I really like the drawing so I made that the main post.


    What is your favorite thing to pickle?

    I put some asparagus in vinegar with garlic, red pepper flakes, and pickling spice a couple weeks ago. I just cracked it open, and they're fantastic!

    I also started a batch of sauerkraut today with garlic and caraway seeds in a brine. Gonna keep an eye on it and hope it comes out alright. I like that it's a live fermentation, and will hopefully be full of good probiotics.

    What's your favorite thing to pickle, and in what?

    The Great Gama posing with his gada, 1910s or 20s

    > Ghulam Mohammad Baksh Butt (22 May 1878 – 23 May 1960), commonly known by the title Rustam-e-Hind and by the ring name The Great Gama, was a pehlwani wrestler and strongman in British India and later, Pakistan. In the early 20th century, he was an undefeated wrestling champion of British India.

    Western kingbird shooing off a great tailed grackle

    There were a couple swooping at him for about five minutes before they finally drove him off.

    Raja Rani Vase- unknown Jaipurite artisans, Jaipur blue pottery (19th century)

    > The use of blue glaze on pottery is an imported technique, first developed by Mongol artisans who combined Chinese glazing technology with Persian decorative arts. This technique traveled east to India with early Turkic conquests in the 14th century. During its infancy, it was used to make tiles to decorate mosques, tombs and palaces in Central Asia. Later, following their conquests and arrival in India, the Mughals began using them in India. Gradually the blue glaze technique grew beyond an architectural accessory to Indian potters. From there, the technique traveled to the plains of Delhi and in the 17th century went to Jaipur.

    Mountainous River Landscape with Travelers- Tobias Verhaecht, oil on panel (early 17th century)

    > Tobias Verhaecht (1561–1631) was a painter from Antwerp in the Duchy of Brabant who primarily painted landscapes. His style was indebted to the mannerist world landscape developed by artists like Joachim Patinir and Pieter Bruegel the Elder. He was the first teacher of Pieter Paul Rubens.

    Page 13 of the Codex Borbonicus- Unknown Aztec artist, pigment on amate paper (c. 16th century)

    > The original page 13 of the Codex Borbonicus, showing the 13th trecena of the Aztec sacred calendar. This 13th trecena was under the auspices of the goddess Tlazolteotl, who is shown on the upper left wearing a flayed skin, giving birth to Cinteotl. The 13 day-signs of this trecena, starting with 1 Earthquake, 2 Flint/Knife, 3 Rain, etc., are shown on the bottom row and the right column. > > The Codex Borbonicus is one of a very few Aztec codices that survived the colonial Spanish inquisition. When the Spanish conquistadors (led by Hernán Cortés) entered Aztec cities, they would often find libraries filled with thousands of native works. However, most of the works were destroyed during the conquest as a means to hasten the conversion of the Aztec to European ideals.

    L’Amans Dreams He Rises and Dresses, from Roman de la Rose- Unknown artist, tempera on manuscript (15th century France)

    > Le Roman de la Rose (The Romance of the Rose) is a medieval poem written in Old French and presented as an allegorical dream vision. As poetry, The Romance of the Rose is a notable instance of courtly literature, purporting to provide a "mirror of love" in which the whole art of romantic love is disclosed. Its two authors conceived it as a psychological allegory; throughout the Lover's quest, the word Rose is used both as the name of the titular lady and as an abstract symbol of female sexuality. The names of the other characters function both as personal names and as metonyms illustrating the different factors that lead to and constitute a love affair. Its long-lasting influence is evident in the number of surviving manuscripts of the work, in the many translations and imitations it inspired, and in the praise and controversy it inspired. > >The Romance of the Rose was both popular and controversial. One of the most widely read works in France through the Renaissance, it was possibly the most read book in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. Its emphasis on sensual language and imagery, along with its supposed promulgation of misogyny, provoked attacks by Jean Gerson, Christine de Pizan, Pierre d'Ailly, and many other writers and moralists of the 14th and 15th centuries. The historian Johan Huizinga has written: "It is astonishing that the Church, which so rigorously repressed the slightest deviations from dogma of a speculative character, suffered the teaching of this breviary of the aristocracy (for the Roman de la Rose was nothing else) to be disseminated with impunity."

    The entire manuscript can be viewed online here.

    Zombiepirate Zombiepirate

    Proud anti-fascist & bird-person

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