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Putin encourages Russians to have sex at work amid falling birth rate
  • Oh but they do! Dedovshchina is love, dedovshchina is life!

  • Why People Arent Buying Sony Xperia Phones
  • It's not about the size of the hands that matter but how you use them. ;) Hands size shaming must come to an end. But yeah I can pretty much grab a basket ball single handedly and throw it accurately, no problem.

  • Why People Arent Buying Sony Xperia Phones
  • Yeah and you can read 2 pages of an ebook on the same screen, they fit one on top of the other lengthwise. A win-win situation! Definitely worth the premium price now that you said it. Anyway, good luck reaching the top part of the screen with your stubby thumb without using the other hand on that land strip type of a form factor.

  • Why People Arent Buying Sony Xperia Phones
  • And they have a remote control like shape factor

  • Netflix Starts Booting Subscribers Off Cheapest Basic Ads-Free Plan
  • Bad things about PIA? Apart from the fact it was bought 5 years ago by Kape Technologies, a former malware distributor, involved in state sponsored espionage and mass surveillance, who also owns Cyberghost, Express VPN and Zenmate plus a plethora of VPN review sites and social network channels that promote its own products as top notch?

  • Locked Removed
    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • I'm not ranting. I'm not agreeing with terrorist supporter's deluded opinions. Big difference imho.

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    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • Yes, the philistines, I'm not a native english speaker. What do you mean what are the "sea peoples"? How can you not know one of the darkest episode in world's history? The Philistines who, in the 12th century BCE and under Egyptian auspices seeking truce after years of bloody wars, settled on the coast of the region they gave the name to, Palestine, are counted among the Sea Peoples by most researchers. Egyptian inscriptions call them “Peleset” while Hebrews called them "Plishtim" - philistines. Much suggests that they are of Greek origin. It is conceivable that the Philistines were in fact Mycenaeans and involved in the invasions and wars that destroyed the Hittites and brought an end to pharaonic Egypt's golden age. Sea Peoples, any of the 7 groups of aggressive seafarers who invaded eastern Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age, especially in the 13th century bce. They are held responsible for the destruction of old powers such as the Hittite empire. Because of the abrupt break in ancient Middle Eastern records as a result of the invasions, the precise extent and origin of the upheavals remain uncertain. Principal but one-sided evidence for the Sea Peoples is based on Egyptian texts and illustrations; other important information comes from Hittite sources. Tentative identifications of the Sea Peoples listed in Egyptian documents are as follows: Ekwesh, a group of Bronze Age Greeks (Achaeans; Ahhiyawa in Hittite texts); Teresh, Tyrrhenians (Tyrsenoi), known to later Greeks as sailors and pirates from Anatolia, ancestors of the Etruscans; Luka, a coastal people of western Anatolia, also known from Hittite sources (their name survives in classical Lycia on the southwest coast of Anatolia); Sherden, probably Sardinians (the Sherden acted as mercenaries of the Egyptians in the Battle of Kadesh, 1299 bce); Shekelesh, probably identical with the Sicilian tribe called Siculi; and Peleset, generally believed to refer to the Philistines, who perhaps came from Crete and were the only major tribe of the Sea Peoples to settle permanently in Palestine. After all the chaos associated with the invasion of the Sea Peoples, what emerged c.1100BC were the Philistine Pentopolis, the 12 Tribes of Israel, Phoenicia, Aram-Damascus, Ammon, Edom and Moab.

    Middle east circa 1100 BCE

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    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • Eggzactly! Nobody cares for palis either. UK ban on selling arms to Israel would strengthen Hamas, says Cameron (BBC title 5 days ago). Who are you to ask for it to stop NOW when Britain is making bank from it? Like 500 million £ bank. bUt iT's iSrAeL's fAuLt, not western greed! First they stole Jewish gold to make their monarchs rich in the race for colonies, now they trade for Jewish gold to make their governments stronk in its race for power, it's always the western lust for Jewish moolah. And what genocide are you talking about? 20k terrorists sent to their maker isn't genocide. UN confirmed there was no genocide. So stop with this al jazeera arabyia & its qatari al qaeda owners propaganda bs.

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    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • Who is relocating who because the Israelites, a tribe of Canaanites were living in the area since 3.000 BC as attested by pyramid hieroglyphs as being used as slaves by Egyptian pharaohs, then in 1.200 BC being relocated by the filistines (believed to be Aegean naval warriors, having nothing in common with the present day "palestinians" that came from the Arabian peninsula), an invading sea people, that occupied the area, then in 72 CE the invading Roman army relocated them again, then the Crusaders, then the Arab invaders occupied the area and relocated them again, then the Ottoman empire same story until the present day. 5.000 years of attested continual inhabitance of the territory by the jews, resisting waves and waves of home invaders, yet they're in the wrong for trying to live peacefully in their own home. International law at its finest, always blaming the victim.

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    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • What do you mean who gives a shit? The palestinians obviously, because now they're on the receiving end of the Israelis, beasts you yourselves, the westerners, created by treating them horrendously during hundreds of years of genocides then had the briliant idea to say sorry to them by gathering them and planting them in one of your colonies that also treated them bad for thousand of years. And now you behave like how could this happen, we did nothing wrong! Enjoy your masterpiece now, colonialists!

  • Locked Removed
    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • Terrorist apologists believe history began in 1948 in order to hide under the rug acts like Hebron in 1929. How convenient for them.

  • Locked Removed
    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • I wasn't justifying anything. I was just pointing the current shit show isn't a recent surprise. Great powers that played with borders and cultures and famine like toys. Palestine, India-Pakistan, Cyprus, Suez Canal crisis just to name a few - all have one thing in common - British politicking.

  • Locked Removed
    TIL: How The Founder Of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Planned on Eradicating Palestinians as early as 1890
  • OMG! Disgusting! How dared they, from the ghettos of entire Europe where they were imprisoned and from escaping the progroms of tzarist Russia, systematically hunted, murdered, raped, robbed of their belongings and expulsed from their own houses all across the "civilized" world for the last 2.000 years, how dared they come up with going back to their own attested land since the age of pharaohs where they were living 5.000 years ago, expulsed by the filistine sea people invaders first at the end of bronze age, then Romans second, then Arab conquerors third, how dared they even think of going back to their homeland and propose the relocation of palestinians? Relocating is genocide! Funny how everything is blamed on Zionism and not on what caused the birth of Zionism in the first place. Eternal game of the colonialist powers of blaming the victims made their conscience sleep better with rivers of blood on their hands on top of the piles of gold and wealth "confiscated" from the Jews.

  • Removed
    Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry
  • Now that's one good reason to go back to Google. Also buy more of their stock. Iran, pali's daddy, just fafo'd.

  • History lives in the present
  • I don't go to parties where complete strangers ask me to pay them reparations for what other complete strangers that lived 500 years ago did to some other complete strangers that have no relationship to the strangers at the party.

  • History lives in the present
  • Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland would like to chime in.

  • US Blocks Security Council Statement Condemning IDF Killing of Gazans Seeking Aid
  • Oh hell yeah I'm voting for Trump!

    President Donald Trump shattered decades of unwavering U.S. neutrality on Jerusalem on December 6th 2017, declaring the sorely divided holy city as Israel’s capital and sparking frustrated Palestinians to cry out that he had destroyed already-fragile Mideast hopes for peace.

    Defying dire, worldwide warnings, Trump insisted that after repeated peace failures it was past time for a new approach, starting with what he said was his decision merely based on reality to recognize Jerusalem as the seat of Israel’s government. He also said the United States would move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, though he set no timetable.

    “We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past,” Trump said, brushing aside the appeals for caution from around the world.

    When Trump comes back to power he will definitely recognize Gaza as Israel territory and also remove Biden's sanctions on West Bank's Jewish settlers.