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Advice to upgrade from 2slots sbc to a 4/5 slots NAS
  • If you can connect it to the SBC, yeah. This one comes with a PCIe card and you connect it with SAS cables (it unfortunately only does SATA for the drives though). The disks show up as separate independent devices and you can just combine them with mdraid or whatever.

    There's also a USB C variant of it but that seemed more sketchy to me.

  • Advice to upgrade from 2slots sbc to a 4/5 slots NAS
  • I bought a QNAP TL-D800S disk shelf (it does have 8 slots and not 5) and an old used Fujitsu Esprimo on eBay. That means I can replace the PC with something more powerful in the future if I need to without having to worry about the disks. Works great so far with the 5 disks I have in it and the two stack on top of each other perfectly.

  • List of really good AA games?
  • RoboCop: Rogue City

  • Moving to a Linux distro for dev
  • Take something with KDE Plasma. I have mine set up to work as close to Mac as possible (command key as the main modifier, all the Mac shortcuts for the window manager and KDE applications, top menu bar, dock, probably more). Took a bit to set up but now it doesn’t nearly throw me off as much anymore when switching between the two.

  • What's your favourite era for video games?
  • I really hope you enjoy Thief 1/2! The two are some of my top games of all time and the second one is after 25 years still the best pure stealth game.

    As was already said, do make sure to install TFix or T2Fix (depending on the game) to get widescreen/high resolution renderer and just modern hardware support in general.

  • Tesla is under a federal wire fraud probe for misleading investors
  • “[Full self driving is] the difference between Tesla being worth a lot of money or worth basically zero” — Elon

    Statement getting closer to reality with every one of these articles/investigations

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • Czech Republic is doing the most promising thing right now I think:

    I hope the EU or at least other countries will follow.

  • Help me choose a distro/stay on NixOS
  • unofficial Discord

    Join the support room on Matrix, really helpful people in there. (And it’s official and not Discord)

  • Has anyone checked out this ipv6rs service yet?
  • Yeah, is what I use. It works behind NAT too, and they even give you a /48! For free!

    To be clear I wouldn't mind paying for guaranteed speeds because the tunnel can be a bit slow at times. My problem with this is that they don't give you a /64 which basically makes it useless for anything but the "host a couple services" use case. Most people who would consider this, including me, probably don't have IPv6 connectivity from their ISP at all and would like to get routable IPv6 address space for their home network.

  • Gnome developers in a nutshell
  • You wouldn’t have Wayland if it weren’t for WONTFIX, ya daft cunts.

    Bit rich to say that considering the reason most very useful and well written Wayland protocol proposals that would get it up to par with X11 are rejected is because Gnome vetoes it since it doesn't match their vision for the Gnome desktop

  • how to create a file and make it executable in one command?
  • I'm going to write (at least part of) the script first anyway, and then I can just use chmod +x after the file is saved which is shorter.

  • Has anyone checked out this ipv6rs service yet?
  • $10 per month and all you get is 5 IPv6 addresses (I assume that's what they mean by "5 Static Visible IPv6 Tunnels")? What a shameless scam.

    Edit: Though maybe you're paying for the "Tier-1 (as in ISP?) Bandwidth". But if they want me to take them seriously, they need to give me a /64 prefix instead of a measly 5 addresses.

  • how to create a file and make it executable in one command?
  • install -m755 /dev/null target was the first thing I thought of. I would never use this but it is a single command.

  • Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years
  • Mine has history going back to Nov 2022 (though I'm not entirely sure why it stops there).

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • Yeah, but it isn't noticeably "less stable" if at all anymore* unless you mean stable as in "essentially in maintenance mode", and clearly good enough for SLES to make it the default. Stop spreading outdated FUD and make backups regularly if you care about your documents (ext4 won't save you from disk failure either which is probably the more likely scenario).

    * not talking about the RAID 5/6 modes, but those are explicitly marked unstable

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • We're not in 2014 anymore.

  • Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • It’s definitely on my Linux bucket list. I’ve been kinda thinking about making a distro myself (specifically because I want to try some unusual and niche things in terms of system layout and package management), and that would be a good starting point.

  • Systemd wants to expand to include a sudo replacement
  • It's not the default fwiw. From journald.conf(5):

    By default, only forwarding to wall is enabled.

  • Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro · TodePond DreamBerd · Discussion #580

    Today we're proud to announce the DreamBerd Vision Pro. It's not AR or VR. It's spatial computing. And Lu Wilson has done a FULL COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO REVIEW that's completely unbiased and unsponsore...

    Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro · TodePond DreamBerd · Discussion #580
    Linux doesn't serve birth time attribute over NFS

    According to this Phoronix article, Linux should support the birth time attribute in the NFS server since 5.18. However, it doesn't show up in the stat output when looking at the file through the NFS mount, or elsewhere (at least, the Dolphin file browser and also a macOS client):

    % stat file File: file Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file Device: 0,70 Inode: 103416894 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ saiko) Gid: ( 100/ users) Access: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Modify: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Change: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Birth: -

    What gives? Running stat on the server directly, it shows the attribute. The backing file system is ext4, kernel 6.5.12. The client is using kernel 6.1.63.

    2xsaiko 2xsaiko
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